Chapter 3: Fallen Angel

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Angel pov)

I felt light and sleepy a lot, I knew i was drugged but didn't care at the moment, I just swam in a pond of koi fish enjoying myself

"Lady angel, I told you not to do that!"

Said a maid as she came over to me

"Leave me alone, I want to swim"

"No, get out now, please"

She said pulling me out of the pond. As my wet kimono stuck to my body and my hair was undone

"Lady angel, you need to control yourself. I know that your feeling-"

I ignored her and went back in the pond as she screamed

"It's ok, let her be"

Said my grandpa who made his way to me and pulled me out by carrying me inside

"I wanna go for a swim"

"Ok sweetheart but first let's get you dressed"

He told me, a minute later I was changed out of my white kimono and into a new one. I played with a Japanese ball called a Temari while my grandpa brushed my hair

"How are you feeling my little angel?"

He asked me as I bounced the ball

"Happy! I feel light and happy Grandpa!"

I said happily not really knowing what was going on with me, I didn't care about anything, I didn't have to worry about anything but...I knew there was something wrong


I looked out the door to the Japanese garden

"What's wrong angel?"

"Something isn't...right"

I told him but then I forgot about the feeling and lay in his lap

"Oh well, it didn't matter, good night grandpa"

I said and fell asleep. He sigh and told me he loved me, An hour later I woke up and found I was in bed and grandpa was no were to be seen, that feeling washed over me again, I got out of bed and went to find grandpa but was stopped by Miko.

"Hey angel, how was your sleep?"

"It was good but I need to see grandpa"

I told her and tryed to go find him but she stopped me

"Oh he's busy right now but I can help"

She said but I felt like I couldn't trust her

"It's ok, I'm heading home"

I told her and tried to leave but she stopped me

"Hold on. Are you hungry?"

"No, I want to leave"

I said and passed her until I ran into my grandmother

"Really, Why are you keeping me here?"

"Angel, let's talk"

She said and took me to a room where I saw demiurge

"Why are you here?"

I asked him as he was surprised to see me

"Your grandfather asked him to come, so why don't you two talk for a while and I'll make you coffee ok"

"No thanks, I have to get back"

"Angel sit or else"

She said seriously, I didn't want to get into a fight with her so I did what I was told

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