Chapter 21: better than you

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Jessica pov)

Jessica was upset with Lord Jircniv for how he treated her and how he always kept his eyes on her

"I was supposed to be your first, not her!"

She shouted as she sat away from Jircniv, he didn't understand what she was so upset about and even had to apologize to her now we need to Jessica didn't want to take his apology but did anyway knowing that he was busy with something.

Jessica left his office still upset knowing that he only apologized just to get rid of her, but Jessica and her friends followed her she wanted to get payback for what tsume did but there was no way for her to do so

"Why don't we go to that lavender town, we mostly run into her there"

Mizu said as Jessica here's her magic to teleport her and her friends to Lavender Town, they walked around a while before they did fine tsume but she wasn't alone and she had a girl with her

"Alright, you two get the little girl and I'll take tsume"

Jessica said as they tried to gain up on them but tsume saw them and threw a piece of cake at her.

"Run mayu!"

She shouted as Jessica growled whipping the cake off her face

"Get her!"

She shouted

Angel pov)

I held mayu by the hand and ran as fast as I can. I saw Jessica and her friends catching up. I stopped when we turned into an alleyway, no one would see if I used my powers

"Give up tsume!"

Jessica said

"Don't worry mom, I'll protect you"

Mayu said taking what looked to be a stick but it transformed into a bow

"Cool, who gave that to you"

Father had it made

"Remind me to thank him."

I said as Jessica laughed at mayu

"You think a child can beat me"

"Yea, my daughter is tougher than you think"

I told her as she scoffed

"Yeah right"

Cherry and mizu attacked first as mayu users her bow to block And then pulled back the string and fired at them

"Go mayu"

I cheered, I never did get to see my kids train so seeing it now was amazing.

"I had enough"

She shouted holding a crystal and throwing it on the ground, I noticed it was a summing crystal as a black dragon beast appears

"Oh boy."

Mayu tried to attack it but her attack did nothing, I felt scared but I wasn't going to let my child get hurt. She screamed when the beast attacked, I jumped in the way creating a shield around us and making the Beast bounce off of it, Jessica and the girls were shocked at this but I said nothing, I didn't want my true power to be revealed to them so I had to stick to minor things to make sure they don't know

"Angel's light!"

I cast a brighter light blinding everyone as me and my daughter made an escape. Once back to Yuki Vlad saw us out of breath

"were good, just having a -"

"Mom's crazy friend just attacked us!"

She shouted as Vlad looked shocked

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