Chapter 6: blinded by love

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Myself, vlad, Tanaka, and zero came along. We traveled to the north and saw a village. I couldn't see well because of all the snow

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Vlad asked as I nodded ready for this moment. He wished me luck and went in for the fun

Fenrir pov)

Fenrir was the master of his wolf soldiers, he had a lot of them that looked up at him as a god. He was the strongest and the fastest and no human or demon came near him unless they were willing to battle to the death. For years Fenrir never had kids or a mate, he never could find the perfect girl for him to carry on his legacy IF he did or something happened. His friends always bug him about it and would show him cute girls but none was to his liking.

His true mission was dealing with the orcs who thought they rule the north and Tried countless of times to kill his people but all failed. One night just as he was looking over plans on the orcs, he could hear screaming and shouting making him stand up to see what was going on. When he came out of his hut, he saw some of his men dead.

"What is the meaning of this?"

He asked himself as he saw from a distance something killing his men, he went back into the hut feeling another being, and when he did he was surprised to see a young woman. She seemed human but just by the smell, she wasn't, but why was she so beautiful? She held a cup in hand and drank some before looking over at him. 

"Hello Fenrir, care to join me for some chocolate cocoa?"

The woman had beautiful snow-like hair and had on a snow-white kimono to match with a blue ribbon around her waist as some ties in her hair.

"Who are you?"

He asked growling as he saw her 6 wings.

"Please forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is angel, I am the angel of ice...please to meet you"

She said with a bow. As pretty as she was, Fenrir was at a loss. She looked more human and he had never seen a creature like her before

"Ok. What do you want?"

"Nothing ...well maybe your friendship and your service"

She said with a smile. He felt insulted and Tryed to kill her but someone stopped him from doing so. As he came face to face with a vampire that easily pushed him back.

"What the hell is this?!"

He asked annoyed as not only was he facing a vampire he smelled someone else. Another man came in the hurt who seem old but Fenrir could smell he was a wolf and vampire

"Touch her, you die"

Said the man with black hair

"Vlad be nice. If you beat him up he'll say no"

She told him as she was pouting. The one named Vlad apologize and gave his reasons

"Mr. Fenrir, all I want is to talk and we won't kill your people anymore"

She said with a smile, was the girl joking or did these 2 really kill his men? He sat down not having a choice as he didn't know who or what he was dealing with

"I'll listen"

He said as she clapped her hands together

"Yay, you're amazing. Now all I need is your full loyalty and your people will live forever, with my help of course"

"What do you mean, loyalty?"

"Easy, you submit to me and become my friend, and will move on from there

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