Chapter 2: Into the castle in the sky

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Yue pov)

Yue notice his mother always going outside to check for her kids to return, she was always sad when she waited for hours and did not see them

Yue and Noah did what they could to cheer her up but it wasn't an easy fix. She loved Noah who stayed with her but as the leader of the Elemental, he couldn't leave Walter alone for to long as he worries he would mess something up. Yue on the other hand, wanted his mother to snap out of it. He did see her work but mostly slept. Vlad didn't try to make her rest as she wouldn't let him

"My lady please just rest so you can feel better"

"I am better Vlad, no worries"

She said as yue and Vlad followed her to the forest of no return. It was that time of the year again were everyone handed over gifts to his mother as a contribution to their help

Zero stood there ready as a chair was there for her to sit and meet everyone. This took hours to do but she always kept her smile, the only ones that noticed was her grandpa. He worried about her health and wanted her to rest more

"I can't do that Grandpa"

She told him

"Angel, you look exhausted and you look like you've just been through something, when you have time come see me and stay over for a while"

"Yeah but...I"

She sighs not able to agree

"Will be there"

Zero answered quickly, angel was shocked she said this but this made her grandpa happy and waved and left.

"Why did you agree?"

Angel asked zero

Because, he's right and whether you hate me for it, you need this

She said as angel said nothing. When it was done. Yue and zero and Vlad went to grandpa's place.

Angels pov)

It was a Japanese-style temple home. He taught martial arts and meditation along with sword fighting 

the door is flowing openly as he welcomed everyone with open arms

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the door is flowing openly as he welcomed everyone with open arms

"My angel, how are you?!"

He said hugging her

"I'm fine grandpa"

"Come let's get you check in"

He said pulling her in and having her change into a kimono

"Grandpa is this...necessary?"

She asked when looking in the mirror

"Yes it is, now to check your health, go take a dip in the spa and come back"

He told me as I was confused, but did what he told me. 


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