Chapter 24: guilt trip

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Demiurge pov)

Demiurge sat in the bar thinking over his life so far and lost so much time with his kids, it felt like he was always with them when really he wasn't

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Sebas asked taking a seat across from him

"What do you want now?"

"Seeing how you're holding up, I heard about the incident that happened at the vacation house, how is Lady angel?"

He took a sip of his beer before answering 

"She's fine, she went back to work after a couple of days of rest but, I think I'm more worried about the kids and what I missed"

"How I see, you're still beating yourself up from messing a lot of their life?"

Demiurge didn't know what else to say

"My son's sota is also mad at me for missing a lot of his life, even their birthdays, it was almost like..."

"He's a kid what do you expect it's not like they wouldn't know when you were there or was" sebas said as demiurge saw it another way 

"That's just it, he questioned and asked me why I left to make angel cry, but I didn't do it to make her cry, I thought if I removed myself in the picture would make things better, easier"

He said putting a hand over his face as he Deep sighed feeling really bad about it

"I'm starting to think that he's not the only one that notices my absence, I think all four of them probably know but they just don't say anything"

"Kids can tell the difference between their real father and they're not so real father, I think when they probably figured that Vlad wasn't really their father and that it was you it just made them even happier"

Demiurge took a gulp of some of his beer

"She forgave me, and up to this day I don't know why"

"Because she loves you"

"No, Noah and Vlad were the only two that told me to go back to her, I wasn't supposed to go back but because of their begging I did"

"Are you telling me you didn't want to go back with Angel?"

He didn't say anything and I knew that he was going to get yelled at

"Do you even love her?"

Sebas asked

"Of course, I do, she is everything to me, it's not like I didn't have a hard time fighting to get her attention and keeping her away from you. I would be stupid to let all of that effort go"

"So what's the problem?"

He asked not understanding

"I love her but, I feel like I won't be able to make her happy anymore"

Sebas looked at demiurge as he was thinking really hard and was upset

"I can't beat Vlad, I know I'm stronger than him but I feel like maybe in relationship wise he beats me in that"

Sebas gave him some encouraging words as he also felt the same about Vlad beating him in relationship-wise, him being a vampire practically made it seem like he was the ace in Angel's heart, he explained to Demiurge that the first couple of times that he ever approached vlad he would always show hostility towards him and didn't want sebas anywhere near angel

"I stopped going to Yuki and I don't think she ever noticed that I did come by to see her so I didn't try anymore" sebas told him 

"That's why you were pulling away so much, that would explain why you allowed me to take the lead"

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