Chapter 16: forgotten but never forget

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After a couple of days ainz watched his sister go in and out of consciousness. She didn't remember anything at all. He didn't have a spell to fix it, even though he was a strong spellcaster, there was something death knight warriors had he didn't or know

Now that he was the new king of of rental he had to leave his sister in Nazarick to heal. He had Luna watch her as he wanted her to report if she started to remember some things and this gave him hope

There was a parade for Ainz's arrival into town but then, a boy throws a stone at Ainz, demanding his father be returned having died at the Massacre on the Katze Plains. But, Albedo prepares to kill him as his mother begs her to allow her child's actions to be overlooked. As Albedo decrees that any disrespectful actions are punishable by death, Momon steps in to protect them; even calling out Albedo's violence on a child over throwing a rock would make no one want to marry her. Momentarily off-put, Albedo regains her composure to restate that any who disrespects Ainz will die, regardless of age, but Momon won't permit that and is "charged" with treason by Albedo. As the two take battle Ainz arrives and has Albedo give an ultimatum: as Ainz doesn't wish to rule with force, should Momon join his forces to represent and police the city, all citizens will be spared from Ainz's wrath. Momon states he will not follow an unjust law, but Albedo gives a rebuttal that Ainz will give just laws, and if he refuses, she will kill him and any human around them as collateral. Momon agrees to their terms but says that if any of the people are hurt needlessly, he will come for Ainz and all who serve him.

Back in Nazarick angel was approached by Vlad and her sons as she sat on her bed reading a book

"My lady, sorry to disturb you but would you mind a moment?"

He asked as she closed her book

"Your....Vlad right?"

She asked hoping she was right, he nodded happily she remembered his name. She tried to remember everyone she Met

"Your wings, I need to look at them...please"

He asked, she looked at him confused


"Well, when Gozaburo attacked you I think he did some damage. May I?"

She turned her back to him moving her hair as she made her wings come from her back. Her wings were damaged and when Vlad and the others saw them they gasped when seeing them losing their white color

"What is that!?"

Shouted Noah, Vlad could see her wings were getting covered in crystals

"The black Mercury is taking over her body. I have to move now, yue get Tanaka and Luna over here now!"

He said as yue left the room. angel didn't know what was going on as she tried to turn back only to be stopped by Vlad

"My lady I'm going to need you to take your nightie off, I know this is going to be uncomfortable for you but we have to do this quickly"

Before she could say anything he instantly ripped her nightie off causing her to scream and threw it on the ground and had her lay on her stomach, not long did Tanaka and Luna into the room and when they saw her wings and body they also were shocked

"What are you doing?!"

Angel questioned as he wanted her to stay still and not move, Vlad asked Luna to go get some things from his Workshop as she quickly ran off to do so, Tanaka helped him as he got on the other side of the bed to tend to her left side while Vlad took care of her right

Tanaka didn't know what to do or how were they going to remove the black Mercury from within her as they were starting to bury themselves around the base of her wings. on her back, they can see some of gems already starting to cover her

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