Chapter 20 part 2: 5 little Monkeys all grown up

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They're having a hard time trying to find a way to change them back to their original and it seems like the one that can only do it was Lily herself.

While they were having a picnic outside aura mare decided to join them, along with rin and len. While keeping the other three busy

"How long is she going to sleep?"

Aura asked when seeing Luna wearing a baby's bag to hold angel behind her

"Not sure, but she is up most of the time"

She said

"Maybe it's because of the spell that's on them"

Rin said as len thought otherwise

"They're not tired "

Mare said noticing the 3 girls fighting each other with sticks

"I know, Vlad just thinks they have more energy than angel"

"That's not entirely true "

Came of voice making them turn to see a woman dressed in a maid outfit wearing a cross around her neck

"Who the hell are you?! "

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"Who the hell are you?! "

Luna stood up and growl at the woman she didn't even flinch

"I am a messenger and a visitor "

"What is it that you want?"

The woman pointed at the angel from Behind her.

"Sleeping is better for her "

The woman said as Luna and the others looked confused

"Angels take up 24 hours of sleep to spend the next day eating and playing before sleeping again"

Luna looked at the looks at the woman

"And you know this how?"

Asked Luna

"I am the same as her, I am what you call a qualified nurse. I take care of angel's baby in heaven "

She said as Luna didn't believe it

"You expect me to believe that?"

"My name is Roberta, and if you don't believe me then that's fine, she hasn't been eating his she?"

Luna thought about it and nodded

"Then that should tell you she doesn't need food as of now, mostly young angel just drink and sleep. Think of her as a baby. She's around the age of 4 stars right now...when she was older she was 16 and then 20."

"Wait how do you know all this, have you been spying on us?!"

Asked rin

"No, all angels are easily found by the chains of their bells. It's hard to explain just know that if she ever wakes up just give her something to drink and let her sleep "

she said tossing her a formula that Luna caught and looked at it, when Luna looked back up the woman was gone

"Luna, who was that?"

Asked len, Luna didn't know the answer to that. She told Vlad about the woman and didn't know other angels exist other than their master.

"If she's not a threat then we shouldn't look this over, keep angel with you at all cost "

Vlad told her. By the next day just like the woman said, weeks later of feeding her what the angel woman gave Luna angel was awake and ready to run around, Luna lost track of her as the 3 girls were screaming about Faiya taking their snacks and it turned into a baby fight

Angels pov)

I came to the forest of no return becouse I wanted to get away from Faiya and the girls loud screaming, I walked around seeing most of the demons show themselves to me

"How do you do"

I said with a bow, they realized it was me and greeted me back, some asked why I was so small and some wanted to make me their child because I was cute. I counted to explore until I came to stop when seeing a spiders web


I called but she didn't come down, she built her home high in the trees so I grabbed her web and started to climb it not knowing I was being watched. I got to the top but didn't see arcane


I called again but no answer. I went to her home and saw she wasn't there. I sigh and decide to head back down but I lost my footing and fell

A sound of a bell rang in my ears, I opened my eyes and saw I was in the arms of a woman I've never seen before

"Who, are you?"

I asked as she smiled

"Don't worry, you're ok"

She had angel wings as I did and flue me out of the forest over to where Luna and Vlad were looking for me and calling my name

"Go to them"

She said landing by a tree, I looked at the woman as she put me down and told me to go. I don't know why but I pulled her dress wanting her to come but she shook her head and moved my hand away

"Go now so they don't see me"

She told me again, I nodded and went over to Luna and Vlad


Like a mother she was, she picked me up and cries happy tears I was back.

"Angel, where did you run off to?"

Vlad asked

"Arcane wasn't home so I fell"

"You fell?"

Vlad said not understanding until I pointed to the spot I was with the lady but saw her gone.

"Until you get back to normal, please stop running Away "

Vlad said as I nodded and apologize. It wasn't long before Lilly came over to us and had us drink the bottles. But once again she was unsure this was going to work so we drank it. A puff of smoke covered us. Vlad had to turn away when it cleared show all of us naked and older

"Well, it looks like I have to make new clothes again"

Luna said with a smile.

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