Chapter 16: Who owns my heart? Part 2

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I woke up, finding myself naked and in vlads arms. He held me close as the sheets covered our naked bodies with our clothes thrown on the floor


"Good morning, my lady"

I groaned trying to move, the sent of lust filled the room as I remembered what happened

"I'm going to kill you"

I said to him as he chuckled

"Really, I thought you would have been done that after 5 rounds"

I blushed when he told me that and hit his chest while sitting up

"Shut up, I couldn't...I mean..."

"You don't have to hide how you feel, if I make you happy you need to tell me"

He told me my heart raced as he pulled my face close to his

"And besides, I told you multiple times that I love you"

He kissed me passionately making me fall for him again.

We laid together all day and talked about alot of things, I even went as far to tell him about my old life. He seemed interested in my story

"So in this other world were you also gods of it as well?"

"No, in this other world you had a choice between right and wrong and to fight for survival, you are also sent to war a lot if you work for the Navy, meaning you also have to protect human mankind with what you had, there was no magic in this world like how it is now"

I told him as I explained, I told him about the rich and poor and I told him about Providence

"When my human mom died and our father left us, it was really hard for my brother to care for me"

"And I'm guessing that's when you met Gozaburo?"

I was quiet from just hearing his name and nodded.

"I thought, if I got married to someone and left, my brother could live easily"

"You're always thinking about others angel, you shouldn't do that"

"I couldn't stand it anymore!"

I shouted while sitting up

"Don't you see, I wanted to disappear from my brother's life, he couldn't take care of me anymore. I kept getting sick, and he had to pay for everything while I did nothing but waited to die by that monster's hands!"

I cried as he held me

"I'm sorry, I wish I was there with you in that world"

"You couldn't, we didn't create that world. You wouldn't exist"

I told him while crying, he held me in his arms to Calm me down

"A minute later, I had Tanaka, Vlad and the girls with me in the meeting room"

"Who's Jessica?"

They asked

"She's a mean rat that is always trying to out due me"

I told them

"So she's a human?"

Asked Tanaka

"Yes, I think"

"No, she's a witch or a sorcerer"

Said, Lita

"bottom line is, I want to kill her"

"Angel, you can't kill people for no reason"

Vlad told me

"I have my reason! She was flirting with demiurge"

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