Chapter 24: hurt love

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Demiurge pov)

Demiurge got word from Aniz about a war coming to Nazarick, he knew why as ainz wanted this to happen to see if his sister could defend Nazurick.

Demiurge thought it wasn't a good idea to make her go through something like that, but ainz wanted to test her. Demiurge went to go find his mistress. He as told by a maid she was in the throne room

He came to the door and pushed the door open as he walked in he saw Albedo no were to be found. But saw his mistress sleeping in the chair with little Noah in her arms. He smiled when seeing her like this as he started to make his way to her. He stopped as 2 black and white snakes came down glaring at him.

He knew it was Kuro and Shiro. They didn't like demiurge like the others in Nazurick.

"I'm just here to see lady angel...that's all"

He told the two. Kuro was the first to strike as demiurge jumped out of the way. Then Shiro attacked, making him spread his wings to get out of the way again. Before they started to attack again, while this was going on Angel woke up from the commotion and was shocked to see kuro and Shiro attacking demiurge

When seeing kuro and Shiro trying to squeeze him to death she jumped from the chair

"Stop it!"

everything came to a stop as the twins did what they were told when seeing the anger in their master's face, She lectured the two and made them leave as they changed into two bunnies and hopped away she looked over too demiurge and checked him while holding Noah in her arms

"I'm sorry I didn't know that they would do something like this, I hope they didn't hurt you too bad?"

She said trying to check to see if he was hurt anywhere but he eased her worries letting her know that he was fine and that he doesn't fault her Guardians for attacking him at all

"Don't go easy on them just because they're my Guardians, they know better but lately, they ben acting weird that I can't even understand"

She told him as this woke up Noah. Demiurge saw how much she loved her son and he wondered if he was a dad would she still be this happy

"So, what is it that you came here for, were you looking for me?"

She asked him

"Actually yes I was looking for you but I also came here to warn you that Nazurick will be under attack within the hour"

Demiurge saw the look on her face like she was about to go in a panic attack.

While in the throne room with the rest of the Guardians lady Angel started pacing back and forth not liking the fact that there's going to be Intruders coming to Nazarick any moment

"This literally can't be happening I mean what are the odds of it coming true, do you guys even know if there's going to be an attack?"

"Of course"

Albedo say as she showed her the mirror a large Force coming their way

"Oh dear God it's true"

She started pacing more while muttering to herself on what to do, everyone figured that this would happen since she's never really probably been in a fight before other than her brother taking over

"Tell me the reason why you can't get in touch with my brother ?"

"He's in a meeting right now and he's busy"

Albedo answered

"He's always busy when I want something but when I don't want anything he's free as a bird"

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