Chapter 15: reunited part 2

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No one POV)

When she was able to have time to herself she went to go visit her friend or Shay and found out that Luna took care of her sisters who were back to their normal self and watch as arshe cradled her two sisters so happy to see them as tears run down her cheeks. Not wanting to disturb the girls in their happy Union Angel asked Luna to keep watching them

She met up with Noah and the two of them hang out for a while as he needed to go to the elemental organization to help Walter with something, their relationship has gotten closer and Angel was happy that she could spend all her time with him

She always tries not to cry in front of him as she always sees yue in him. It hurt her a lot to know that he was no longer there with her but she did make a promise to  herself that she will find a way to revive him, she went back to Nazarick to have a talk with her brother  but was told by yuri that he stepped out.

She didn't want to bother demiurge as he was out on the farm so she went to go find sebas. But once again her luck had not been great, she found him in the library with tuare

She was still jealous of the girl but she tried to put her feelings aside and tries her best not to get so close to him, she knew she could go find her friends in the elemental organization but she figured they were all just busy

She kind of felt lonely as she wondered the Halls by herself, she found herself lost in thought until she saw that she was heading outside of Nazareth, she felt she should just spread her wings and leave but knowing her brother she was told to stay put and so she obeyed,

She hated herself for not being able to fight for herself and was only seen as a damsel in distress in there eyes, she understood why her brother was so careful with her and had full security always up on Nazarick.

She sat on the ground taking in everything for a while, she watched the sunset hoping her brother might come back any moment or probably someone would tell her that her brother had returned

She allowed everyone in Yuki to take a break even black and white took a break the two of them were having fun, she didn't want to get them into battles as much anymore as she feared that the Black Knight might appeared then the two of them would be the next thing gone

But as always none of her Guardians cared about their own lives, they wanted her to live even if it meant they would die, but she already knew that she couldn't without them she would be nothing

When it got dark enough she decided to head back to Yuki to see if Noah had returned, she stood up and dust herself off when she turned around she saw a dark figure standing feet away from her, she thought it was probably Demiurge but she wasn't sure until a wave of fear rushed over her


She called to him but he didn't say anything and just stood there, she didn't know what to do she was scared if she called out now, the ones that come might die, she knew she wasn't going to get away so she did the thinkable

"Why have you come here...Gozaburo?"

She asked seriously as the black figure began to make its way over to her, she stayed where she was not moving an inch, and finally, she heard his voice

"Isn't it obvious, I told you we were going to be together forever, and I meant it"

He said removing his helmet and she saw he no longer have black hair but red Crimson hair as his eyes matched

"Ready to go home my angel?"

He asked her while holding out a hand to her, she looked down at his hand and then back up at him

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