Chapter 7: an undead heart

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angel pov)

As I waited for Fenrir to come back I started to think something was wrong as Vlad appeared

"Having fun?"

You could say that, don't tell me you're jealous?

I asked when seeing his face

"Not at all, just zero letting out some anger after last time"

He told me with a laugh

"Wow, she's still mad about that...interesting."

"Angel, why did you have kiyo fight and lose on purpose, what is this going to prove?"

Vlad asked, i reached up to him and cupped his face, I hated seeing him so jealous it was cute

"It's ok Vlad no need to worry."

I told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Your so kind to me, thank you for caring"

He smiled and held me close as of we were going to kiss but was inches away

"I'm your servant after all my lady."

I felt the urge to surrender by the sound of his voice until Tanaka shows up making us pull apart

"Master, we have a problem."

He said looking serious, He told me about the orcs attacking and this made me race off with both Vlad and Tanaka by my side. When we got to the gates and saw the fighting I had enough and spread my wings to take off to get there.

I saw Fenrir fighting one of the orcs and he was getting hurt. I landed not too far away and healed everyone leaving the enemies shocked.

"fenrir!" I ran to his side as he was upset seeing me but I didn't care

"It's ok, I'm here" I healed him where he was hurt and started to feel off,

"What is this, an angel?" The orc asked when seeing me, I glared at him as he made fun of Fenrir

"I told you to stay at the hut"

"Sorry but...I don't take orders well or like to listen"

"She's not lying"

Said zero appearing next to me

"It's hard to talk senses into my master, but I like her for that"

She said

"Your mating with an angel, that's Rich"

"Is this the pig that hurt you?"

I asked looking back as the orc was taken back by my words

"Angel, don't you can't-"


I told him as I started to make my way over to the orc leader

"You're a very disturbing thing, you know that. I could kill you but only if you apologize to Fenrir and you and your crappy clan live"

It was quite before all the orcs laughed at me

"This girl isn't series, she's nothing but a little girl!"

"Little, I'll so you little!"

I said upset as a burst of purple flames surrounded me changing me to my demon form. I saw the orcs gasp by this as I sped forward and punched the leader hard, sending him flying. I glared at the others as they screamed and ran away. My flames died out as I went back to Fenrir who was looking at me shocked along with his people

Overlord: the angel of lightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon