Chapter 22: better than you part 2

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Angel pov)

While in the room I wanted to have some fun. But I had to stop not wanting to upset Vlad and Tanaka

"Angel, you have to keep a top profile"

Vlad said picking up the mess I made while I sat on the bed

"Why? He Doesn't mind me being wild"

I said with a giggle

"I know but please, mine your composer"

Vlad said as I sigh

"Sorry, and what's bad is Jessica is here"

I told them

"This is fine, she won't touch you while I'm around"

Demiurge said

"Aw your sweet, but you still didn't give me a good answer why you wanted to come with me"

"Do I need to have an answer to be around you?"

I giggled and jumped off the bed, I pushed him onto the bed and jumped on top of him as we started roughhousing

"Can you stop this please?"

Vlad said but got a pillow thrown at him. After a while when things Calm down, Vlad and Tanaka left to see more of this place leaving me and demiurge alone.

I lay with him as he held me in bed, I felt happy again knowing he forgive me but I still wanted to make it up to him

"Demiurge, tell me, was the reason why you came was to spend time with me?"

He sighs before admitting it

"I don't want him around you anymore"

I knew he was talking about Vlad and smiled at how jealous he was of him. I snuggled into his arms and inhaled his fire-like scent. I remember it so well as it had a smell different from Vlad, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I started to wake up I could hear talking, it sounded like Vlad and Demiurge talking about something. I reached around not feeling demiurge anywhere

"Come back"

I cried as they stopped talking and I felt a hand on mine. I kept my eyes close and snuggled Into whatever was wrapped around me and sighed happily

"I'll go in her place"

That was the last thing I heard before Vlad agreed and I fell back to sleep. It wasn't long before I woke up by someone and jumped awake

"I'm up, what happened?!"

I shouted scared when seeing Tanaka

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you but you're going to miss dinner"

"Oh right, thank you"

I said and got a quick bath and got ready

Jessica pov)

As Jessica was making her way to the dining room she saw Jircniv was there and saw a seat next to him and sat there

"Hello Jircniv"

"Oh, good evening miss ume."

"I'm so happy you invited me to this. And the meeting was very interesting. Sorry to see tsume didn't come through"

"That's ok, her Butler told me she was sleeping in because of her illness so I'm fine with it"

"Illness, what illness?"

She asked but before she could say anything tsume showed up with her Butler behind her in a pretty dress 

She asked but before she could say anything tsume showed up with her Butler behind her in a pretty dress 

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"I made it in time, yay"

She said happily as she took a seat on the left of Jircniv, Jessica hated her and wondered why she was trying so hard to flirt with him when she had a husband.

The man demiurge spoke like he was high class and knew everything Jircniv said. But for tsume She wasn't that smart

Let's see what you're made of tsume

"So tsume, I heard you"

"You didn't make it to the meeting because you got sick"

She looked at Jessica confused before smiling

"Oh yeah, I was sick but I'm ok now"

"Shame really, I saw you seemed fine when you got here so are you sure you just didn't want to go"

She asked with a smirk Jircniv stopped her

"Jessica, it's not right to pride in lady angel's business"

Jessica growled as he defended her. The food was good but her husband didn't show up and Jessica wondered why. After dinner, angel eat 4 servings of ice cream And started to steal Jircniv

"Hey, stop stealing you pig!"

Jessica shouted

"I can't help it, it looks good"

She said innocently as she started to stare at his serving. Jessica wasn't winning this round as Jircniv offered her his ice cream was she happily started to take bites out of and then try to feed him and just a very side of it piss Jessica off at how easily she was able to sweet talk Jircniv, it appears that nobody seems to find this a problem and he just found angel adorable and innocent

"My lady it wouldn't be wise to eat so much ice cream or else later you're going to be sick"

Her Butler said as she was licking her spoon

"Don't worry Tanaka I will be fine"

She said just then her husband walked in and he apologized for his lateness, he took a seat where Jessica was and watch as tsume ate Jircniv's ice cream and tried to feed him some of his as well which he gladly accepted

After that everyone went to their room for some relax time, except for Jessica who wanted to talk to Jircniv alone

"I told you she has no etiquette, why are you allowing her to get away with things?!"

"I acknowledge lady Angel for her status and I already know how she is but when she is excited it takes a different turn on things, I don't mind it because she doesn't care about being serious all the time"

He explained to Jessica but Jessica didn't think that was the case at all and she believed that she was making a fool of herself in front of everyone.

"She's just having fun there's nothing wrong with that, and besides, I enjoyed her child-like spirit and I might even ask her to marry me"

Jessica freaked when she heard that

"Are you out of your mind, if you marry her you'll be the laughing stock all over town if anyone you should be marrying it should be someone that is willing to grow your status, not someone that would make a fool out of you!"

"Angels graces is all I need to be on top, if she agrees to my option then everything will be fine"

"She's already married!"

Jessica shouted

"I know...but still."

Jessica saw him smile

"I have an idea for a summer fun"

Jessica looked at him confused not knowing what he meant 

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