Chapter 115 - Weirdo

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All it took was being desperate for a decent cup of coffee. After months of debating whether to contact Timothy or not, it came down to something as simple as that. Once I set eyes on him my doubts disappeared and within 24 hours we were tentatively together again and I'd moved into his house. None of it was planned or of my doing, it just happened. We had parted ways abruptly and it seemed we were meant to come back together the same way. I missed him every second of those months apart.

The end of our fledgling relationship back in August last year blindsided me, I was gutted. I was already well on the way to falling in love with him, then it was over. From the start, I knew being with him wouldn't be simple because Timothy is different, a special being. With my background, I thought I could handle different and special. But that night I got a glimpse of the bigger picture and how much I was out of my depth.

It was triggered by me accidentally finding the gun in his garage, a footprint of a previous life. The odds of something like that happening would have to be a trillion to one but there it was. Timothy had already told me about another past life, Kim Han-gyeol but this was different, not in a good way. I had been Martin Berger back in the 1940s. After that came the bombshell that Timothy's Grandfather John played a part in that previous life. In fact, he had executed Martin, me. He filled me in on the whole awful story and the last moments of my life. It explained the hate John had always shown whenever I set foot in the house, but until that night I never realised how much of a hold he had on Timothy. I could see John in the hateful look in Timothy's eyes as he told me about the gun. When Timothy asked me to leave for good, I agreed without an argument. For one thing, I was scared of him and for another, I decided I couldn't handle this shit. I couldn't with my family and this was worse, way worse. It seemed we were a lost cause just like Nana Ovia had warned me. She'll never let me forget it either.

Over the next few months her annoyingly repetitive "I told you so's", which she managed to drop into almost every conversation we had, made me realise why I left home. It helped me decide to go back overseas. Running away worked once and I hoped it would again. However, the closer I got to leaving I started to waiver. I couldn't make myself stop missing him.

A few weeks out from my flight to London, on a whim I decided to cancel the trip. At the time I wasn't sure what brought on my backflip. Now I can laugh about it. I suppose you could say my guardian angel was whispering in my ear.

I was at my mother's house dropping off the last few boxes for storage and like the previous couple of visits the most annoying buzzing started in my ears. It came and went and I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but it persisted and that particular day it was really loud. First in one ear and then the other like the most tenacious mozzie ever. Eventually, I noticed it happened when I was on my own.

At one point the buzzing got so high-pitched that I nearly dropped the box as I was lifting it onto the top of the wardroom. "Bloody annoying......" I continued to swear under my breath. The next minute I heard Nana Ovia slapping her hand against the door frame as she wheeled herself into the room.

"What did you just say tu mic făcător de probleme?" The tone in her voice instantly turned me into a terrified 10-year-old. Damn it, she may be old but her hearing is just fine.

"Sorry I swore Nana." I apologised and grabbed the next box, trying to avoid a lecture.

"I'm not talking to you.  What did you just say?" She was wheeling herself towards me and then she veered to the left and then the right as if she was trying to corner something. That's when I realised she had Ben in her sights. "If you don't speak up I'll burn that tea chest of yours." Nana Ovia was not shy about using her trump card to terrorize him.

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