Chapter 63 - 18th July

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I sent a text to Weirdo. "They just left on their broomsticks. Going back to bed. Don't bother me."

As beautiful and ethereal as the Troy mother and daughter team may look, with their loose white hair and flowing dresses, they are as scary as a Valkyrie in battle armour. Having swooped down on me, they found me unworthy.

Nana Ovia left with all the confidence of someone who thought she had had the last word on the subject. After a failed first attempt, she just couldn't let it go and came here to make sure I knew my place. I understand now why Weirdo is the way he is; and why he got away from them the moment he could. They left me feeling frustrated and annoyed that she had gone off pleased with herself, the smug cow.

My stomach churned and twisted into a pretzel reminding me of the bottle of shiraz I'd had for breakfast. I considered the wine medicinal,  to quell my shell shock from their surprise visit. I needed food but when I saw John looming in the hall all my anger surged again, suddenly it was all aimed at him.

I took out my frustration on his story walls. The longer I replayed the conversation the more I got stuck into removing the sheets. After a while I was just ripping them off the wall as well as chunks of paint, rolling them up into balls and throwing them over my shoulder.

Granddad stood in the doorway. He kept his distance, which annoyed me even more because as far as I was concerned, this was all his fault. Once I'd ripped down every last piece of paper and the walls of the loungeroom were once again bare, the floor covered with the remnants of comics and chapter 6 of To Kill a Mockingbird, I finally breathed calmly again and shook off the shitty mood that had settled on me like a heavy blanket. I turned to him, it was my chance to have the last word.

"I'm really pissed off. Between you and that mad woman I'm sick of being told what to do." Granddad turned and headed for the kitchen. Damn it I was being ignored...again.  "Walk off then. Keeping your thoughts to yourself for a novel." I yelled after him. He drifted out of sight. I felt I still didn't get the last word, not even close.

I went back to my room, the single bed that seemed to be the only place in the world where I felt good about myself and buried myself under Batman and Superman. I wanted to restart my day. I was thinking I might make my second jump to 1905 but in no time I fell asleep. I woke in time to grab some food and head off to work. For a change work wasn't a pleasant distraction. The shift was long and boring and I shot out of the club the minute my shift ended.  When I opened the front door to my home I was so happy to set foot in the place, my body literally sagged with relief. It was quiet, peaceful and all I wanted was to fall into my bed and sleep. When I passed the loungeroom I turned on the light and assessed the result of my tantrum, what a mess. I regretted it, so much for being a grown-up.

I stripped off as I walked into my room and turned on the heater. Once under the donnas, I wondered why I bothered to organise a proper bedroom for myself, this felt so much more like my bed, home.


Morning of 18th July

Looking in the mirror I rolled up my sleeves, I'll be more comfortable this time around I thought to myself.  I won't be sweating like a pig in my suit jacket. It should still pass as presentable. Everything else was the same, tie, black pants, braces, patent leather shoes, watch, black cap and round wire sunglasses. Check, check, check. I'm taking my satchel to carry my phone, cigarette and matches, and some photos I printed out from my last jump so I can retrace my path exactly if I needed to.

As I've no currency I'm going to try my hand at bartering. I've got the language skills now so it shouldn't be too hard.  I had to be calm and accept what I get offered,  just needed practice. I'm not out to make money out of this just get some period-appropriate currency.

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