Chapter 92 22nd May, 1725 Venice

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Good fortune was looking down on me for a change. The weather couldn't be better, mild and fresh, my companion couldn't be more entertaining. Now that Alvise was in control of the situation and his Patrician persona was securely in place he allowed himself to relax, to turn on the charm. He smiled and talked easily, gossiping quietly about people who sat at the other tables. His hands moving and shaping gracefully as he spoke. he was a pleasure to watch.  Giacomo was as usual silent, his masked face turned towards his master. I tried to imagine what expression he might have on his face. I wondered if Giacomo was as entranced by Alvise as everyone else in the café. He never gave a clue about his feelings. Even at the very end of the previous timeline I never knew his true feelings only that he never strayed from his master's side and took his side in all things. As far as I was concerned that told me all I needed to know about the man, a man of honour and loyalty.

To the world, we must have looked like grim reapers between the dashing bon vivant.

My eyes strayed across the café as Alvise whispered something to Giacomo. My attention fell on Vittorio, a young waiter making his way to our table. I first saw him on my first visit to Venice, when he was only a boy of 15, slender and fair. He reminded me of Raphael's painting of Bindo Altoviti. I noticed him mostly because he moved gracefully from table to table, his sweet smile never faltering. Over my many visits to the Cafe, I've grown to know him well enough for him to spark a protective streak in me that I didn't know I had. I watched him grow up into a strong, hard-working young man, and I lived through the aftermath of his disappearance without a trace in 1726, that time is not long off. Of course, I know what happened to him but that's a story for another time.

As he stopped by our table he smiled broadly at all of us but in particular at Alvise. They gazed at each other for a fraction too long. He wiped his rough hands on his thick canvas apron. "I hope you are well. May I be of service gentleman?" Vittorio had a melodic voice, clear and pure.

"Coffees and pastries, please. A pot of coffee for Signore Morrison as usual." Alvise ordered coldly, even though his eyes said something else. He placed a handful of soldi in Vittorio's hand. I watched as he did so, one of many little gestures that added up over time.

Deep in thought about other times and places my hand reached out from beneath my cape and a single fingertip ran down the side of Vittorio's apron. My innocent, preoccupied gesture made him jump slightly.

I looked up at the waiter and smiled an apology, not that he saw it. All he saw was a black-clad figure and a white mask looking in his direction. "I'm sorry Vittorio. I was just thinking that your apron is wearing thin." He returned my smile and the momentary awkwardness was gone. He was an innocent.

I took the end of the belt that hung down from his waist between my fingers and said. "The owner should reward you with a new one for being so hardworking." Then I turned to my friend who was glaring at me. "Don't you agree Marchese?"

He nodded stiffly, continuing to burn holes in my mask. I watched Vittorio walk away. Plans ticking over in my head.

"Since when do you call the boy by his name or...touch him for that matter. You persist on breaking every rule of etiquette and propriety." Alvise frowned as he took off his gloves and handed them to Giacomo, they disappear beneath his cape. "I fear I will be tarred by the same brush and my virtue questioned." His lip curled in mock disgust.

"Please forgive me Alvise, I wouldn't want to tarnish even a speck of your precious reputation." I wish he could see the look I was giving him.

"Hmm...just because I have seen your handsome face don't think that you can sway me. A pretty face will only get you so far." He huffed. "Don't do it again. Your manners are getting worse with every visit. I will eventually be forced to disown you out of embarrassment." He snapped at me. Alvise trying to look intimidating is hilarious, like a Pomeranian trying to strut like a guard dog.

I put two cigarettes in my mouth, lit both, and handed one to Alvise. He accepted it without a second thought and placed it to his lips, taking slow deep drags. I did the same as I watched him.  He was spellbinding.

"How are your feet today?" Alvise went red. 


Before I returned home Alvise accompanied me to the Rialto Square to the Bancodel Giro to check the fortune I was amassing. It was all due to his connections, advice, and expertise. It was growing into a sizeable amount. I was almost at the point where I could finalise part of my long-term plan. I need more funds. I had to be patient. But I did withdraw an amount for a purchase I've wanted to make for some time. I left Alvise to negotiate the purchase on my behalf. If I was to describe the acquisition in modern terms, I would say that Alvise knew a man, who knew a man ,who knew a man who could get me something I wanted. I have to bring him something special next visit to thank him.

We parted ways on the stairs of the Rialto Bridge as we looked over the canal.  "Take good care of yourself." I offered him my hand, which he shook fondly. I held on with both hands. "I miss you when I am away. Be happy my friend."  I meant it.  For a moment his carefully control expression cracked and he smiled, a real smile.

"I will, as always be an exemplary Partisan of La Serenissima."  Alvise puffed out his chest and waved his lace cover wrists in front of his face.  "It is I who worries about you.  I fear it is more likely that you are the one who needs to curb your cavalier ways not I.  A little more propriety would not go astray." I laughed under my mask, I had the urge to say yes mum.

"Take good care of him, Giacomo." I raised my hand to farewell his companion who was at a discrete distance giving us some privacy.

My fondness for these people and this time is making it harder and harder for me to go back to my own time. I walked away to find a quiet place to go home.


Back home it took two full days to answer all my emails and texts, return all the calls I missed and catch up on all my orders. I was run off my feet but it was all good because I wasn't dragging myself around as I had prior to my last jump. In fact, I was feeling brilliant, a new man.

Ok...I missed granddad but I faced the fact that I couldn't do any more for him, and I was kind of chuffed he got to see Jules again. The residual emotions were under control, hallelujah!! Note to self...go thank Nana Ovia for the candle. So all in all, just about everything in my life was fine. Except for getting laid, it's way overdue. Every morning my cock stands proud and reminds me it's still there. I was starting to get a little twitchy  There were even moments when I looked at Alvise and imagined things I shouldn't. Ok, so I'm gayish.

I told myself you can't have everything.

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