Chapter 94 -30th April

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Warning 18+ chapter 94 it's about time for some sex.

When we finally broke away from the kiss both of us looked shell-shocked as if we just woken up from a trance and found ourselves in that hallway in each other's arms.

"What's with the hair?" Weirdo backed away and ruffled my black locks.  His beautiful mouth curving into a broad smile. "and the piercing. You went from surfie to goth." He eyed me up and down, his hands pressed against my chest as if he was revising old memories of me. He sighed and then lunged forward pulling me back against him.

"Fuck...You're even hotter than you were before." He ground out as he buried his face in my neck, sucking and biting the soft skin until I shook from the little electric shocks running up and down my spine.

We kissed for what seemed like forever, fast, ferocious, soft, and tender.  We went through a gamut of emotions. Eventually, when sanity and the need to breathe caught up with us we moved into the lounge and talked for a while. Granddad was the main topic. Or should I say the lack of granddad? Weirdo noticed almost immediately that he couldn't feel his presence in the house anymore. I told him a little, not everything. He was relieved that he was gone and he didn't have to face him.  I'd fill in all the details later if there was a later.

We made small talk for a while,  it was strained and awkward. It was like trying to have a relaxing cup of tea while standing on a tightrope over an abyss, who the fuck could concentrate. We tip-toed around sensitive subjects, neither of us quite ready to talk about the important stuff. When we looked too long at each other we lost our train of thought and bit by bit we drifted back to what we really wanted. Instinctively we inched closer on the couch and it wasn't long before we were all over each other again. Until frantic kissing and groping had us both coming violently. I'll never be able to look at that couch without smiling.

Finally sated enough to act like sane human beings we got pizza delivered and talked some more...lightweight conversation. We were both being cowards, not wanting to shatter the moment. Being together felt fragile, it could end as quickly as it started. This had come out of the blue and I wasn't going to blow the chance to fix things between us. The minute we kissed any doubts I had about what I felt for him disappeared. I wanted Weirdo in my life. I wasn't prepared to call what I felt love, but whatever I was feeling I'd never experienced before.

The day passed quickly as if we were in a dream. The afternoon grew humid and we sat in the garden for a time enjoying the breeze, talking about my new business.  I promised him a tour of my greenhouse. Unfortunately, I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread.  I half expected Weirdo to leave at any moment. But he stayed and we fell into companionable silence, lost in our thoughts. By early evening the air was thick, a late summer flare before the colder months took hold. We drifted inside and I waited for him to say goodnight as I made us coffees.

Every time he opened his mouth to say something my stomach tightened but Weirdo surprised me and asked if he could spend the night. I couldn't say yes fast enough.  I can't remember the last time I felt shy slipping into bed with someone or felt so unsure of myself and excited at the same time. Something in me flickered into life...I could feel it...didn't know what it was.


I woke up and checked the clock. It was only 3.30 am. I turned, lay on my back, and stared at the ceiling. The same thoughts kept doing lapse of my brain.

It was hot and I was sweating like a pig. I got up opened the balcony doors and returned to bed. Weirdo was stretched out on the other side of the bed. I could hear him breathing deeply. I wrapped my arms around him, running my fingers through the hair on his chest, the other hand turning his face towards mine. I kissed him harder than I planned to, I can't get enough of the taste and feel of his mouth. I didn't mean to wake him but he murmured in his sleep and winced softly as I pulled on his chest hair. He turned his back to me and pressed himself closer. I leaned over and ran kisses along his cheek and down his neck. As I said I love the taste of him, his skin was hot and damp and delicious.

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