Chapter 96 - 1st May

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OK so once I got started with this chapter I couldn't stop, the opposite of what normally happens.

Later...what does that mean? Does that mean later today, later this week, or later in the distant future so last night becomes only an embarrassing, extremely hot memory? As I cleaned up the breakfast dishes I went through the previous night in detail. It was good, better than good and that is saying a lot as I'm talking about me having sex with a guy. As I have a very colourful imagination I expanded on reality and by the time I finished fantasizing I had Weirdo trussed up and hanging from a chandelier. Note to a chandelier.

But I can control my emotions these days, every day it gets easier and I shut down my feelings when needed. I shook off thoughts of Weirdo and got on with my day. I have heaps to do and no time for mucking about.

I wrote up a list of today's absolute must-dos...

Buy a white canary.

Tiffany's appointment at 12

Go to see Alvise & Gizelle ?????

Buy a cheesecake large. Extra guest. Mum meltdown.

Get everything done by dinner with family at 7.30


I didn't think it through properly. The bird should have been my last purchase. It took three shops to find a white canary and now it's sitting in a box in the back seat and I can hear it having an anxiety attack. By the time I get home, it might be a dead canary or one pinning for the fjords. It's not your lucky day bird, hang in there.

Tiffany's next. The drive into the CBD took forever, and finding a parking spot was even worse. I was getting peeved. Eventually, I got to the jeweler, it's so exclusive you need to make an appointment to get in the door, mine is at 12 and I made it just in time. The shop front screams I'm Posh. I can't imagine this place ever having an as common as muck sale sign marring its elegant façade. There's a Neanderthal-looking security guard at the door to turn away poor people. I'm pretty sure that once I'm announced and ushered in, the staff will have their fingers on the alarm button.

The security guard eyes me up and down and I tell him I have an appointment and my name. He repeats the details into the intercom behind him and the door clicks open. He watches me as I go in, memorising my features for a police composite sketch.

Long story short, once they got over the fact I'm not their usual eastern suburbs A-lister but I do have buckets of money, the staff are charming and attentive. I've done my research and the ring I want is one of their signature pieces. Technically, it is a wedding band. When they bring it out and I have it in my hand I picture it on Alvise's finger, it's perfect. The gold band has two delicate ropes along the sides and a row of diamonds running along the center. Size is tricky. The saleswoman asked if my fiancée would like to come in for a fitting. I smiled and told her it was for a guy, practically kacked myself when I said he had small, delicate hands and her eyebrow shot up. Well, he does. Luckily they had a small size in store I didn't have to wait. It just fits on the top half of my pinky. I handed over my credit card, and bam 10 grand thank you, mam. God, I love having money. Alvise was worth every cent. He did after all create my fortune for me.

Next stop, cheesecake. I know for a fact that there will be an extra guest at dinner tonight. My mother should be finding out about that any time now. Adam was planning to call her and let her know he was bringing a friend, a special friend. I know my mother and how her brain works. She'll be thinking he's bringing a special friend, a girlfriend, they're getting married, GRANDCHILDREN!!!!

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