Chapter 90 20th May, 1725 Venice

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When I visit Gizelle or Alvise there's a process I normally follow. It helps us avoid embarrassing situations. Il Palazzo di San Gabriele isn't their home, they lived in the far grander family Palazzo on the Grand Canal. San Gabriele is kept for their trysts with their lovers, for the special parties with their like-minded friends. I love the polite way that phrase rolls off Alvise's lips when in reality it means a free-for-all, I won't go as far as saying they were orgies, but everyone went home with a worn-out pecker and a smile on their face.

He always kept a straight face and looked at me as if to say it was never to be discussed openly, ever. They also stayed there when the pressures of being a member of one of the golden families got too much. For Gizelle in particular it was the only place she could truly be herself. maintain their privacy I would jump once and leave a message saying I will visit on a particular day and at a particular time. I would slip the note for her manservant Giacomo to find under the front door of San Gabriele, a day or two before the day I suggested. I then jump a second time safely, without even causing the tiniest ripple in their lives.  

At least, that is what I would do normally. Tonight, I was feeling impatient, I took my chance and went unannounced, hoping for the best. If they weren't home or if they send me away, so be it. I just couldn't stand being in the house any longer.

Tonight my mask will come off I've decided. After the last few days, I realized I don't want to play games, waste time, or leave anything unsaid.  I felt like I was thrown into the deep end and managed to resurface a new man.  Well, maybe not a totally new man but at least one that pays more attention, no more drifting.

I dressed in my costume. These days, after so many jumps back to Venice, putting on the mask excites me.  I think that's why I love the place so much...I can be a ghost, invisible.   Underneath I put on the plainest clothes I could find which will in no way be suitable for the 1800s but I didn't care. My costume would be coming off and it would be for their eyes only and of all people Gizelle and Alvise would be the last to judge me by what I wore.  In my mind, I have known them for twenty years, and are my closest friends.  But I chose to go back to the early years tonight.  It may change the course of our friendship.  I hope not.

I picked a date  - 20th May 1725.  May would be warm and the air clear.  It was also a time before things started to go wrong for the Marchese Alvise Contarini and I had to break my rule about interfering in people's lives. I seem to break my rules a lot when it comes to Gizelle and Alvise.

As inappropriate as it is, I wanted to take a feast with me, there's nothing like bingeing when you're miserable. I know it's an absolute no-no as a time traveler to take back modern items but I didn't give a fuck.  

My backpack was still in the hall, untouched, so out of desperation, I used an eski.  I was starting to lose track of how many of my rules I was breaking.  I just wanted to get out of the house. I packed a bottle of Courvoisier, a nice port, a magnum of Moet, and a bottle of Absolut 100. I'm not exaggerating when I say the box room is basically a miniature liquor store and no, I don't have a drinking problem. I grabbed a couple of bars of chocolate and a tub of Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream...for when the munchies hit.

I set off.


It was about 8.30 in the evening when I stepped in front of the wicket door of the Palazzo and pulled the rope to the bell in the main foyer of the house. I was feeling hyper, after being in a fog for days I wanted to be surrounded by life.  I wanted a rowdy, lewd Gizelle to tell me filthy stories and making me laugh. I wanted her to play the pianoforte and sing for me.  Arriving announced will be a poor show of etiquette on my part but I wanted to see my friend. I hoped I wasn't going to be turned away by the stern-faced Giacomo.

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