Chapter 102 - 12th May

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There were a few minutes of silence as we both stared at each other and then Weirdo abruptly turned and walked out of the room. The last I saw of his face he was still smiling and enjoying the shock value of his belated response to my confession.

My coffee mug wobbled in my hand. I had the urge to run after him but I controlled myself. I didn't want him to think he's got me whipped. I searched around from my phone and texted instead.

"You heard?" T

"Yep." W

"So we are a...THING?" T

"Define Thing." W

"You're such a dick." T


The rest of the day was peaceful, the way I'd hoped the previous day would go, before it got derailed. I showed Weirdo how to pack the plants, where the packing supplies were in a shed in the garden. Then I left him to it. I went to the greenhouse to yell abuse at my roses for the rest of the day, after yesterday I know they love it. I played Adele and Sam Smith full blast so they could wallow in self-pity as well. I got stuck into my work and tried to blank everything else out.

My lunch break came and went, I was happy with my bottomless cup of coffee and cigarettes but I thought I'd better make sure my new employee was fed and happy. I am a considerate boss and delivered a sandwich to Weirdo late in the afternoon. When I popped my head around the door of the dining room I saw him handling a zig-zag plant as if it was his firstborn, I sucked in a chuckle. Behind him, Ben was sitting on the dresser giving him instructions that he didn't hear. I had to do something about that boy to keep him entertained and feeling useful.

"How's it going?" I put down the plate and coffee and wrapped my arms around him. There's still a split second of awkwardness every time I touch him. A lifetime's sexual orientation doesn't change instantly. But I do love how solid he feels, and how warm his skin is. I'm surprised how little I miss boobs and soft curves, at one point in my life I couldn't go a day with screwing.

"It's all good." Weirdo turned to look at me, his eyebrows scrunched up. "Can you tell me something? Ben is in here right?"

"Yes. He's been in here all morning."

"I thought so. I keep getting this buzzing in my ears." He shook his head. I chuckled again. Ben jumped off the dressed and crossed his arms, huffing, deeply aggrieved.

"I'll take him with me." I took the opportunity to step closer and stroke Weirdo's ears gently under his thick fall of curls. " that better?"

"Hmm...nice." He closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention, like a puppy getting scratched. His hands moved to my hips and pulled me close.  

"Don't give me ideas." It was just too easy to get tempted to make out instead of going back to work. I stepped away.

"Ben come on, you're with me." Grudgingly he trudged after me. I was just about out the door when Weirdo called me back. He'd taken a bite of his sandwich.

"I was thinking...." He swallowed then went on "...when I was working out what boxes and satchels I needed, that it makes no sense to store the packing stuff in the shed. It's the other end of the house and outside. Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be stored in the garage?"

I stood and stared at the ceiling, waiting for divine intervention, but nothing happened. Weirdo is right of course, it makes total sense, but I can't go in the garage, can I. I'd planned to tell him soon or at least soonish about the gun and how it's back in there.  I'd hoped the timing would be better.  I worry that Weirdo will think I'm keeping things from him. Do I tell him everything?

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