Chapter 53 - 13 July

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I think Retail Therapy is a real thing. I now see its merits. After waking up and having my brain instantly start regurgitating the same crap it has all week, pushing me closer to doing something I didn't want to do; which was to jump back and change the course of events. I reminded myself not to take things so seriously. Before my upgrade, nothing stuck to me long enough to bother me, now I'm arse deep in consequences. I tried to channel my old shallower self and I realized I had the perfect thing to distract me. Money. What I needed was some impulse buying and immediate gratification; fuck soul searching and seconding guessing my decisions. Recklessness and complacency are underrated emotions that I intend to hone into an art form.

It took all of two seconds for my mood to shift, my concern for Weirdo faded away, along with my wounded heterosexual pride. I had family dinner night tonight which always lifts my spirits but until then I needed DISTRACTIONS!!!!!

I googled a couple of shops I've wanted to check out for a while, showered, dressed, and shot out the door, heading for the City.

The next few hours saw my credit card take a beating but I have to say I felt better for it. I know it was a knee-jerk reaction to feeling guilty and a little ashamed of myself but so be it. It made me wonder if a big lotto win wouldn't be a bad idea, a few million in the bank could satisfy any future bad moods.

I indulged myself in one of those things that I've always wanted to do. You know those upmarket shops that are so posh you're wary of walking into because you know you can't afford a single thing in the place. I went into one of those. Prada, smack dab in the middle of the posh end of the CBD.  The shop sat next to its peers  Gucci, Jimmy Choo, and Miu Miu. Normally, I'd be intimidated by its slick black dimpled walls and arty window displays, today I went in as cocky as all shit. You could see the very proper staff cringe as they ran their eyes over my Target jumper and jeans. I think my whole outfit cost about $50. I gave them all my biggest smile as I meandered around the store.

I got the impression the saleswoman felt like she was indulging me in my fantasy that I could afford one of their ridiculously overpriced handbags. As she suggested one bag after another she kept a fixed smile on her face. When I finally decided on a rather plain but mindboggling expensive brushed-leather shoulder bag, she looked a little taken aback. I smiled politely as I handed her my credit card. She asked if it was a gift, and did I want it wrapped. I smiled again and politely said, yes, please. As she did I wandered around the shop and grabbed four Cire Trudon scented candles and popped them on the counter.

"These as well." and watched her face get a little more sour. "I'll have them gift wrapped too...please." And we went through the whole process again.

The little adventure into the world of the filthy rich cost me a small fortune by my standards but as a morale booster, it was worth every penny. And my house was going to have the most expensive air fresheners in the street.

My other indulgences were a couple of bottles of 2019 Bin 707 Penfold Cabernet Sauvignon and a tray of the most extraordinary cakes from Black Star to take along to dinner.


Back home in my comfortable sweats and stomping along to ACDC. I've opened one of my newly acquired bottles of red and it's going down a treat. I  started work on the wall in the lounge. Wordsworth is coming down. I've had enough of "I wandered lonely as a cloud. That floats on high o'er vales and hills" Blah blah blah....for a lifetime.

I'm going for something more upbeat this time. Granddad is in for a surprise, I think he'll like it. John's present didn't cost much until I realised I had to buy two of everything. They'll keep him, and me, amused for a while. The guy I bought them from, probably wouldn't be impressed if he knew they were taken apart the minute I got home.

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