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Wiping my hands off, the door now opens. I never thought I would see...let alone touch a human brain. Not looking back at the brain, I continue through the door.

I arrive into a room and duck under a nearby vent. The vent led to underneath a table. With my horrendous luck, the teacher was using said table just in front of me. I don't know what she's doing, but I probably don't want to know.

The teacher eventually stops what she's doing at the table, and leaves out the door. I really don't want to follow her...but I must if I want to save my friends! I quietly make my way through the door as well, and make it into a room with a big table in the middle.

On the table was a bunch of books...but also a lot more jars containing human brains. Trying not to look at the jars, I climb on top of the big table. The teacher seems to be putting pieces of some kind of meat onto a figure of a torso. It looks almost entirely made out of the same substance of meat.

She turns back around towards the meat figure, and I, quietly as I can, walk across the table. There were some books in front of me that could be used to hide myself from the teacher. Quickly ducking behind the books, the teacher turns back and looks for another piece of meat.

Once more, she puts the meat on the torso. I take this chance to make my way across the table top. Eventually, I see a hole in the wall in front of me. Seeing no other choice, I run towards the hole...and the teacher heard my footsteps.

I feel a chill down my spine as I jump through the hole. She's really too close for comfort. Landing on the other side, I see a bookshelf that I can climb. Not wanting to waste any of my precious time, I start climbing up.

Once I make it to the top, the teacher opens the door to the room I'm in, looking for me. She spots me rather easily, and tries to grab me from on top the bookshelf. Luckily, I make it into the vent just in time before she grabs me.

Now inside the vent, I look for the exit. I just want to get as far from the teacher as possible. She's somehow in every room I'm in, and I don't like it. Finding the exit, I drop down on a carpet. On the carpet, is my one and only savior in this cruel place.

A hammer. Laying right there for the taking. Picking it up, I already feel a bit more confident...now at a staggering 12%! That's a new high! Just now noticing in front of me, there is a bully. It seems to be distracted by something on the floor...but that's not my problem. I have a hammer, and the bully has a highly smash-able head.

Cautiously walking towards the bully, I was about to raise the hammer until I heard something. I stepped on a trapped floorboard. Quickly dropping the hammer and getting out of the way, I see a heavy bucket coming down from the ceiling toward where I just was. Luckily, it hit the bully and not me. I was kinda hoping to smash its head in myself, but oh well...can't have everything.

I pick the hammer back up and continue down the hallway. I see another one up ahead. Smashing it with the hammer, I feel satisfied...until I hear one come up behind me. It lunges at me and knocks me to the ground. I drop the hammer in the process. I try desperately to get it off, but it just isn't working. These guys are stronger than I thought.

The hammer is just next to me. I just have to grab it. I don't have much time here. I reach my hand out and grab the hammers handle. I can feel myself getting weaker...but I have to do this. I raise up the hammer, and smash its head in. The pieces fly everywhere. This time around, I can't even feel satisfied. I almost died to that thing.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I drag the hammer behind me and continue down the hallway. Unfortunately, it seems life wasn't done sending bullies my way. One of them popped out of the locker and started making faces at me. Taunting me.

This brat! I'll have you know that I have killed many of you! I raise the hammer above my head and smash it back down on his poor head. That'll show him. Jeez, these guys have zero manners...

Inside the room ahead, I see two people I didn't expect to see...

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