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Jumping down, I land on the piano that previously fell. Jumping onto the floor from there, I await Mono and Six to follow me. Six jumps down first, then Mono. Once we're all on the ground, Mono speaks up.

"The door here needs a key..." Looking at the door, there was a keyhole. "But where do we find a key around here?" I ask to nobody in particular. "Over here." Six speaks up, motioning me over to her. I walk over to her, and she puts both of her hands out, offering to boost me up towards a hole in the wall.

After she boosts me up, I climb through the hole and land on the other side. I seem to be in a small portion of outside. There's a gate surrounding here, making a very small square to roam around in. Inside here, is someone I thought I was done with. A bully was on the floor dissecting a frog. It was very gross...but I need to kill them somehow, as the key is inside the frog.

Looking around, I notice a pipe on the ground nearby. It could work. Picking it up, I look back towards the bully. I was about to smash its head in as I have done to its friends, but then I heard the piano inside making all kind of noise.

Turns out, Six has climbed on the piano keys and was walking from side to side. The noises alerted the bully, and it attempted to enter the room, but was blocked off by a big gate. Seeing as Six was trying to distract the bully, I...not cautiously...walked over to him and smashed his head into little pieces. He deserved it.

Putting down the pipe and walking over to the key, I pick it up. In the meantime, Six walked over towards the big gate and was trying to lift it up. I walk over to it on my side and also try to lift it up. Thanks to the power of two kids, we got it open. "Good job you two!" Mono says. I thank him as I walk over towards the locked door near the piano.

Putting the newly acquired key into the keyhole, the door opened. As I'm walking in, Six puts her arm in front of me and Mono, halting our movements. She then slowly walks over to a corner in the room. In that corner was a bully, doing...something. Six cautiously walks over to it...

Then she lunges at it, and rips its head  off of its body. Even if I understand why she did it, it makes me a tad uncomfortable knowing just how easily she killed a bully when I couldn't even get one off of me earlier. I wonder how easily she could just pop my head off like that bully...

After deeming it dead enough, she slowly stood back up. Looking back at us, she rejoins the group. Neither me nor Mono knew what to say about what just happened, so we just continued forward.

In front of us was a dresser. In order to climb it, Mono pulled out the cabinet and climbed on top of the dresser. Once me and Six also made it to the other side, we continued forward.

There was a staircase to our left, so we decided to climb it. Upstairs, there was some cabinets that we couldn't reach far enough to climb. Six walked over to them and offered to boost me up. I don't get why Mono can't help, but okay...? She boosts me up, and now I'm on top of the cabinet.

There was a box up there, so I decided to push it back down. With this, Mono and Six jumped on the box and started climbing the cabinets. Now also on top,  Mono walked over towards a vent lid and started pulling on it. I helped, and we both opened the vent. Six didn't seem too pleased about this, but didn't say anything.

Now crawling through the vent, we find the exit and arrive on a shelf. Now, we hear a piano playing, somewhere. Looking around, we try to find out where it is...until we looked below us.

Of course...it's the Teacher.

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now