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After a brief moment of silence, the viewer finally gets agitated. Luckily for us, it noticed the TV on in the kitchen and walks over to it. Okay, it didn't notice us. Thought for sure I was dead. Once the viewer is safely out of range, Mono turns this TV back on. He grabs my hand once more, and we go through the TV. 

Luckily, we get spit out of the other TV that was hanging on a wire. Unluckily, however, we came out of the TV the viewer was watching and broke it. The viewer starts banging on the window, the only thing separating us from it's wrath. Me and Mono continue, trying to ignore the horrid noises it was making.

Eventually, after some walking, we make it on top of a long, flat rooftop. There were multiple viewers standing at the edges of the roof. They were all staring at something...and it wasn't a TV. I nervously take a glance at what they're staring at...and there it was. The Signal Tower.

Beyond the crumbling buildings, beyond the mist and fog, was the Tower. It was emitting a light from above it, and it was quite entrancing. Despite the Signal Tower being so far away, It was drawing me in. It was so...

"Y/N! Hey! Don't fall for it. We need to save Six, remember?" Mono waves his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. "O-oh, right." I made that excuse, and I follow just behind Mono. We kept walking along the roof, and to our left, the viewers still stood. I tried not to look at the Tower...I didn't want to end up like them. And what one of them did further solidifies that.

One of them leans forward, and falls off the roof. After a moment, I could hear the sound of it's bones breaking. Mono motions for me to keep following him. As we keep walking, another one falls off the roof. Are they really that entranced by the Signal Tower? I look more to the right, trying not to see any of them.

Another one jumps off...and eventually another follows suit. I try not to focus on the sound of their bones breaking, as I'm sure I'll be traumatized by it. 

We keep walking, and we finally aren't in view of the Signal Tower. We enter a building, and the floor is a bit flooded. It only goes up to our ankles, but it's still a bit annoying to trudge through. I notice a lever nearby on an elevated piece of ground. Luckily, the area around the lever isn't wet, or we would have been electrocuted.




I nearly jump out of my skin. What was that!? I look to my right, at a door that seems to be very loosely boarded up. As the banging continues, the boards slowly starts coming apart. That can't be good. Mono motions for me to get near the lever, so I do as he said. "W-Whatever it is, I'll electrocute it with the lever." Before I could ask how, the door harshly swings open. Unsurprisingly, it was a viewer on the other side. 

It notices us, and steps forward. Then another step forward. "Wow, this guy's slow-" It then begins charging at us full speed. "AH- The lever! The lever!" Mono nods and uses all of his weight to drag the lever down. I close my eyes, bracing for impact.


I open one of my eyes. "I-Is he...?" I decide to look to the ground. There, just beside where I was standing, the viewer was laying there, twitching. Mono hastily pulls the lever back up, and the electrified floor returns to normal. The thing seems to be dead, luckily. But I don't want to take any chances and carefully step around him. 

" we go through the door, right?" I ask him, still thinking about how fast that thing charged at us. He nods. "Y-Yeah I'm sure of it. Alright, come on, Y/N!" I take one last glance at the viewer on the ground. It has stopped twitching, and lays there lifeless. Serves you right.

Turning back around, I follow Mono through the door.

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now