New Hat

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After some more time, we arrived into a room with a TV in the middle of the room. On the floor beside it was a remote, most likely to turn it on. Mono walks over to it and picks it up. "Hm, this could be helpful." He mumbles to himself.

He turns back around to the TV and pushed the remotes power button. To no ones surprise, the TV turns on. "Alright, let's go." He grabs my hand and puts us both through the TV. When we get spit back out from another TV, I take time to look around.

Below us is a small pit with loads of stained newspapers scattered about. I didn't want to go down there, but Mono jumped down with no hesitation. With a sigh, I follow him down as well. Mono looks around, and spots a small vent hidden by the newspapers. Before I know it, he went through. Before I could decide whether to follow him or not, he comes back out with something in his hands.

"Look what I found! Cool, isn't it?" He proudly shows off a new hat, a mailman hat most likely. "Oh, yeah that's really cool, Mono." I decide to go along with it. Before I know it, he switched his bag to the newly found mailman hat. "Hm, a little big, but I like it anyway!" He says while looking for a way to progress.

We both end up a different, not hidden by newspapers, vent. On the other side, we are still in a small pit of sorts...though that's to be expected. Mono walks over to a pile of luggage on a rolling cart of sorts and starts pulling it back. I, personally, don't understand a thing. Either he's smarter than me, or I'm just dumb...more likely the latter.

Mono pulls it to the middle of the pit and walks behind me. Looking back, there was yet another TV there. He uses his new remote and turns the TV on. "You stay here, I have a plan." Mono says to me, before going through the TV. Okay, staying here will now commence.

I stayed there for around a minute before he returns...but not in the way I expected him to. He was now above the pit, looking down at me. "Hey! I'm back!" He steps back a bit, before jumping towards the pit. "What are yo-" Before I can finish that sentence, I finally realize what his plan was. He jumped onto the luggage he previously placed in the middle of the room. Thanks to that, he could now jump to the other side.

Even though it seemed to be a bit difficult, he jumped off the luggage and made it over there. "Um...what about me?" I ask. I...I know he wouldn't just leave me here...right? Thankfully, he leans down and extends his hand outwards. "Here, grab my hand and I'll pull you up." 

I jump a bit to even reach his hand, and grab it. True to his word, he begins pulling me up to his level. Silly me for thinking he would leave...of course he wouldn't. I stand back up, and so does Mono. We both notice a window nearby and we, as always, jump through it.

On the other side was another disfigured viewer. As they always do, it seemed to be watching TV, though on the screen was nothing but static. I wonder what has them so entranced? Actually, I probably don't want to know. Us two carefully make our way behind the viewer and make it inside the kitchen. 

Outside the kitchen window was another TV, though this one was hanging from a wire. Luckily for us, it seems safe to exit through it. Now we just have to find...oh right! I point towards the viewer that we just escaped. "We need to go through that TV..." I whisper to him. His eyes widen in shock, but he quickly puts on a more confident expression. After a nod, he turns on the TV that was hanging from a wire.

Now, he makes his way to the viewer in the other room. I nervously follow behind him. Once we are a safe distance away from the viewer watching the TV, Mono takes out his remote once more. 

He aims his remote at the TV, and turns it off.

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt