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Six walks in front of the incinerator and puts both of her hands out to warm up. The room didn't feel cold, did it? "I-I'm never going near one of those things again." Mono says, shutting his eyes. I understand why, he almost got killed in one, twice. I walk over to him and hug him, as I feel he needs some comfort. He almost immediately hugs me back. Unbeknownst to us, Six saw that exchange and was not happy.

She stands back up and practically drags me off of Mono. His hands were still in the hugging position, before awkwardly putting them back down. Six, with me in her hand, stands on the elevator. Mono quickly tries to get on with us, so we...or Six more so...don't leave him behind.

Luckily, he made it on and the elevator slowly rose up. The doors open again, and we are greeted with a hallway, this time there is light, though. We all head down the hallway, and enter a unique room with chairs lined up against the wall. There were some more beheaded mannequins, all sitting down on the seats, hunched forward.

We decided to continue walking, not caring to inspect them. We walk through an open door, and we now see a window in front of us. Me and Six open it, and now we can all crawl through. I go in first, and jump outside. I pick myself back up, and I feel something wet drip on my nose.

Looking around, I am apparently now outside. The raining from before hasn't stopped, surprisingly. Mono and Six now have jumped out the window as well. "Oh, jeez, it's still raining?" I say, mostly to myself though. "My bag's getting soggy from all of this..." Mono feels his bag, and squeezes it. Drops of water drip down the bag as he squeezes.

Six continues forward, clearly ignoring Mono. We follow her behind, and we all now walk together. Beside us, we see an ominous looking bench. On said bench was a pair of clothes. They're set upright, almost like someone was inside of the clothes...but vanished. Beside the clothes, was a hat that had surprisingly not gotten blown away by wind or something.

We decide to continue walking, hoping that didn't mean anything sinister. Eventually we walk back inside a building, and there were multiple levels of stairs in front of us. They looked old, and worn down. Some steps were even missing. However, there was nowhere else to go, so we had to climb up them.

By the end of it, my legs were a bit tired. Why was there so many stairs? We made it to a doorway, and the door was swung wide open. Doesn't seem very welcoming, in my opinion. We were about to head forward, but something from above started crashing down, directly in front of us. Six immediately puts her arm in front of me, protectively. With a loud bang, the figure, which looks like a human adult, stands back up. It walks over to a room in front of us, if you can even call that walking.


Six slowly puts her arm that was in front of me back down. We all decide to, cautiously, follow the figure into the next room. Soon enough, we see them again...but it's head was smashed into a TV that was laying on the floor. There's a bit of smoke coming out from the TV, as it looks badly damaged.

The figure lays still, not moving an inch. It's...probably dead. Why did it smash it's head into the TV? That...just doesn't make any sense. We walk over to the figure, still wary. Six kicks it's legs, probably to see if it makes any moves. Still, nothing. Mono jumps on top of its back, and jumps into a nearby window.

Six waits for me to follow him, so I do so. Standing on his back, it felt reasonably unstable. Worried, I still jump to the window in front of me. I almost fall, but I catch myself on the ledge. I pull myself up and through the window. I fall down on something hard. It seems we're now outside, the rain as prominent as ever. Mono has already located another window and is headed for it.

I follow, and I hear Six drop down beside me. I'm sure she'll catch up. She always does. We head into the next window, and it's very dark. Luckily for us, Mono still has his flashlight. He turns it on, and looks around the room.

Just ahead of us, we see a silhouette moving in the darkness.

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now