Acting strange?

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Us three kept walking for what felt like an eternity, even though it was only a few minutes. Eventually, we reach a room that is filled with all kinds of stuff. Most of it is stored in boxes, but some of it slipped out of the boxes revealing that inside the boxes were laundry of sorts. Clothes sprawled about everywhere. 

I was about to pay this enclosed area no mind and head for the door in front of us, but Six stops me and Mono. With no hesitation, Six walks to the middle of the room and picks up something. Trying to get a better look, I realize that it's a raincoat. After picking up the raincoat, Six then starts putting it on. I'm not going to stop her, but that seems rather...unhygienic. That coat has been sitting there for who knows how long.

After putting on the raincoats hood, Six glances at each of us...though her gaze did rest on me for a bit too long...and she headed for the door. She stops just under the door handle and motions for me to go over to her. Like all of the previous times, she boosts me up to the door handle and the door slowly creaks open. Six walks through first, but not without dragging me with her. Mono, confused as ever, walks behind us.

Inside the door, we find a room that looks like some kind of clothing store? I don't have time to wonder about any of this, however, as Six is still dragging me through the store at a surprising speed. It's almost like she is trying to escape something...or someone. I look back towards Mono, who seems to be struggling to keep up with Six's sudden burst of speed. Was that her plan? To escape Mono?

"H-hey, um, shouldn't you slow down? You know, to wait for Mono?" I ask, cautiously. At the mention of Mono's name, she tightened her grip around my hand and kept running. Fortunately for me...and unfortunately for Six...she had to let go as we reached a new building in front of us. The only way inside was the window that was very conveniently opened for us. 

Looking over to my right, Mono had finally caught up to us, out of breath. "Why...*pant* did you...*pant* that fast?" He says weakly. Six says nothing to him and continues forward, jumping through the open window. Before me and Mono follow, I decide to whisper my concerns to him, now that we're alone finally. 

"Do you think that Six is acting kind of...strange?" I whisper to him. He goes quiet for a moment, before nodding. "Yeah...she's been like this for a while now..." Surprised, I decide to question him further. "A while? I only realized her acting this way recently..." He shakes his head. "No, it's been a while. She seems to...not like me." 

"Not like you?" I whisper back, mostly to myself. Truthfully, looking back, she did sometimes show signs of not liking him. I don't know why, though, as he hasn't really done anything wrong. "Did you two get into a fight or something?" Mono again shakes his head. "No, no we didn't. Hey, we should really follow her now. You know she gets impatient..." He starts headed towards the window Six jumped through previously. 

Little did we know that Six heard everything we said...

She doesn't like him, huh? I wonder why that is? I don't know what he did to upset her...but I'm sure it's nothing serious. They'll go back to being friends in no time! I hope, at least. I shake my head. Now isn't the time to separate from the group. I'm probably just overthinking things. I walk to the window just as Mono and Six had before me. Peeking inside the window, the room looks rather dark. More worryingly, however, is that I can't see Mono or Six anywhere. 

Nothing happened to them, I'm fine, their fine. Mustering up the courage, I finally jump through the window as well. Landing on a cold, hard floor, I stand back up. I try my hardest to adjust to the darkness.

 As I do that, however, I hear footsteps behind me...growing ever closer.

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