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I keep running, and never look back. If death is directly behind me, I would rather not see it. My goal was the elevator I had saw previously. I have the key for it, and if I make it there, I will be safe. At least temporarily.

Behind me, I hear the sound of many footsteps. As luck would have it, she sent her whole army of students to chase me down. Now they, unlike the teacher, are a whole lot faster than I am. I try to quicken my pace, but my legs may give out soon. The elevator is just right there, just a little farther!

The footsteps behind me are getting closer and closer. I take out the key and ready it for the keyhole. Putting it in and turning it, I decide to take this chance to look at how close the students are. They are way too close! They might lunge at me at any second!

The elevator doors finally open, and I practically collapse inside. Looking back, I see one of the doll students faces just behind the doors. They were ready to lunge at me. Accepting my fate, I tightly close my eyes and brace myself for impact.

However, I hear a slam. Opening my eyes once more, I see that the doors had closed on their face. Thank god, I'm finally safe. I really thought I was dead there. As the elevator rises up, I shakily stand back on my two legs. That was quite the experience. But It's worth it. I need to save Mono and Six!

Eventually, the doors open again, signaling that I have arrived at my destination. What greets me is a very empty room. Aside from a small shelf there, and an upside down desk in that corner, it was surprisingly empty. I walk over to a door, and look into the next room.

There was another doll-like thing. It had a dunce hat on its head and it was scribbling all over the floor with chalk. But the most interesting part was that it was chained up to a pole. I would wonder why that is, but I just don't care at this point.

Seeing the situation before me, I formulate a plan. Just beside the doll, was another hammer. Using that, I could potentially smash its head in. The problem is that he will definitely see and hear me. So I need a distraction.

Looking back into the room I'm currently in, I see some shoes scattered about. It could work...maybe. I pick it up and nervously walk over towards the doll. I make sure to keep a set distance away. I don't want him lunging at me.

I set myself behind it, and throw the shoe towards the left side of the room. It perks up its doll-like head and cautiously walks over to the shoe. Seeing as this was my chance, I walk over towards the hammer. Picking it up, I realize that the doll child noticed me.

Not knowing if running was the best option, I smash its head in with the newly acquired hammer. It fell into pieces immediately. Breathing a sigh of relief, I notice that the next door seems fragile. Maybe, if I smash it in, I will be able to squeeze through.

Raising the hammer above my head, I smash it back down towards the door. Repeat this process about three more times, and the door is now broken. I go through the newly formed cracks, and arrive into a small room containing only a dresser and a vent.

Sadly, I need to leave my weapon of mass destruction behind once again. Letting go of the hammer, I start climbing the dresser. Once I make it to the top, I jump through the vent on the wall. After a bunch of twists and turns, I find the exit. Falling through the exit I land on a fragile shelf.


That caused a lot of noise. Unluckily for me, the teacher was in the same room. Of course she heard it. She stretched her neck out once more and looked up at the shelves where she heard the noise. I quickly dive into a nearby box.

Please don't find me...

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now