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"An incinerator? Maybe we could use that, right Mono?" I ask him. He simply nods in response and motions for me to follow him onto the elevator. Once all three of us were on, the elevator doors closed. Surprisingly, the elevators decent was short, as a few seconds later we arrived to our destination. Stepping out, stuffed animals in hand, we notice the incinerator to our left. I head over to it and throw the bunny I had into it. Mono threw his stuffed bear in as well. I was about to start the incinerator, but I stopped immediately after hearing something.

"Ow! H-hey what-" I hear Mono begin. Looking over, I see that he is inside of the incinerator. I see Six trying to close the incinerator doors behind him. Before she can do so, I grab her wrists to stop her. While Six was distracted with me, Mono scrambles back out in a panic, then steps a good 20 steps back away from Six.  "Y-you just tried to kill me!" Mono stumbles out, glaring at Six. "I don't know what you're talking about." Six responds. unfazed. 

While this is happening, the incinerator finally shut off, revealing only a key inside. I take the key out of the incinerator, being wary of Six, and walk over to Mono. I try my best to comfort him...but, understandably, he's pretty shaken up. "She just...tried" He whispers. "We need to..." Mono begins, before cutting himself off. He looks at me, then at Six. After a sigh, he cautiously avoids Six and heads for the elevator. I, also avoiding Six, head for the elevator as well. 

Once Six also stepped on the elevator, it was an awkward few seconds going up. Despite it feeling like an eternity, the elevator doors finally opened. I stepped out, but then realized that I had zero clue where I was supposed to go. "Uh, where do I go?" I ask Mono. He then leads me up the stairs in the main room. Up there is a lock on a door. "How did you even see this?" I ask him. "I saw it when I...uh...fell out of the TV." He laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck. I accept that response and head to unlock the door.

It creaks open, and behind the door was yet another dark room. This time, there was some things hanging from the ceiling. At first, I almost thought that it was human legs dangling up there, but upon closer inspection, they seemed to be fake. Something close to a mannequin. Kind of strange to have mannequin legs and arms in a hospital...but either way, I'm sure this isn't foreshadowing anything at all. Mono takes out his flashlight and flicks it on. The dimly lit room now having some kind of light.

Mono steps forward into the dark room, flashlight in hand, and leads us further inside. Going in further, there are now even more mannequin limbs scattered about. No longer confined to just the ceiling, they are now laying on the floor, in some crates, and even on some tables. It all seems rather unnerving to look at. Mono and Six still walk through the room with confidence, however. I suppose they are just fake anyway, no need to be on guard for just seeing some mannequins.

Eventually, Mono shines his light on a door with an open if something shattered the glass that was once there. Six goes under the door and offers to boost Mono up. Understandably, Mono rejects immediately. "I can go in there instead, if you'd like..." I ask, hesitantly. Surprisingly, they both deny my request. ", Y/N boost me up there. I have a plan." Curious, I decide to trust him and do as he said. 

Now on the empty window, he looks back down and tries to pull me up. I grab on an empty part of the empty window, and Mono decides to jump down, waiting for me to follow him down. I pull myself up and jump down as well, despite hearing Six's complaints behind me. Mono sighs, and motions for me to get away from the door with him. I follow, and once I catch up to him, Six starts pounding on the door from outside. 




"Y/N, come back here!" She starts almost yelling. I debate going back so that she doesn't do anything morally incorrect, but Mono tells me to leave her be. We both decide to leave her pounding on the door, and head into the new room.

I hope this doesn't have a negative outcome in the future...

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