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After a bit of waking, we arrive into a room with a hole in the back that none of us could reach. Six walks over to it and offers to boost Mono up. He walks over to her, and he climbs up into the hole.

After a moment, I hear some loud banging sounds. I hope that's just Mono hitting something...hopefully. "Stand here." Six says, pulling me out of my thoughts. She was pointing towards a TV. Me and her both climb said TV and await Mono's return.

After a moment, we hear the sound of something being pushed above us. Looking up, Mono is pushing another TV down next to us. Since the two TVs were connected, the other TV falling made the TV we were standing on rise up quick. I almost lose my balance, but Six pulls me back before I can fall and break my legs.

Now on the top floor, me and Six make it to where Mono is. The problem is that there's a gap between us. Seeing this as my opportunity to be useful, I decide to extend my arm out in hopes of catching him.

Mono sighs, before trying to get a running head start. He runs towards us, and leaps as far as his little legs could take him. Fortunately, I grab him just in time before he falls. Pulling him back up towards me and Six, he stumbles a bit before fully standing back up.

"Thanks, I thought I was a goner there...ahaha..." Mono says, nervously laughing. "Relax, I would never let you fall." Before Mono can say something, Six interrupts. "Are you two coming?" She most likely would and can leave us if we didn't catch up.

We walk over to her, and see a fragile door in front of us. Luckily, it seems we are small enough to just barely squeeze through the jagged cuts in the door. Mono goes in first, and as I go in next, the TV that is in the middle of the room suddenly turns on.

The noise it's making is ear piercing. I'm surprised my ears aren't bleeding! Mono, covering his ears, slowly walks over towards the TV. I would question what he's doing, but the noise is just too distracting to properly think...

When Mono arrives in front of the TV, he puts his hand on the TV and suddenly, the noise stops. I've never been so relieved in my whole life. Before I can celebrate...I see the TV once more. Mono seems to be...moving the TV screen? On the screen itself, I see a weird looking hallway.

After a moment, something really unexpected happened. Mono, after straightening the hallway on the TV somehow...fell into the TV! Six quickly walks over to the TV, making me wonder when she even arrived. She motions for me to help her pull him out. Together, we both pull as hard as we can.

Eventually, Mono gets spit back out of the TV, and we all stumble backwards from the force. Poor Mono looks just as confused and bewildered as we are. He slowly gets back up, and speaks up. "Sorry, I...I don't know what happened..." He seems a bit out of it.

Walking over to him, I try my best to comfort him. "It's fine! I have zero clue what just happened or how you did that...but you're okay now." He slowly nods in response. "Thanks...for being there for me, Y/N." I smile, and respond "Of course! That's what friends are for!" He goes silent for a moment. "...friends?" He shakes his head. "No, best friends! Besties!"

He looks confident in himself. That's good! Before anything else, Six speaks up. "Come on." She walks over to a nearby window and jumps through it. I would be concerned if it wasn't for the fact that we were only on the first floor.

I jump through next, and fall into a dumpster. It's gross...but at least it cushioned our landing. When we all get back out of the dumpster, Mono leads the way. He walks over to another dumpster, but this time, instead of being inside of it, he starts trying to pull it back.

The dumpster is too heavy for one person to pull, so me and Six help by pulling on the dumpster as well. After deeming it a good enough distance, Mono lets go, and we follow. Turns out, behind the dumpster was a broken gate. Just enough space for us to squeeze through.

After we all go through the broken gate, we arrive a playground. It would look sorta fun, if it wasn't creepy looking. Looking up, I see a tall building in front of the playground. Now, it makes sense why there's a random playground behind a fence!

We're at a school...?

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now