Burned Alive

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Above us...was this humanoid creature hanging from the ceiling upside down. It looks huge! It looks around for a moment, before quickly crawling along the roof, away from us. This thing...how on earth does gravity not affect it?

After it leaves the room, still hanging from the ceiling, we all let out a shaky breath. Six is the first to come out of hiding, Mono does next. I stay for a moment longer, though, as that thing still terrifies me. I just don't understand how, even though they're both scared, always seem so confident?

I eventually get out as well, looking around. The whole room seems to be a storage room of sorts. I was about to say something, but stopped. I was hearing noises again. That thing hadn't left. Six decides to take the lead, and we all cautiously approach the room where it is.

In the middle of the room was a table with a beheaded mannequin. It lay still, so I don't think it will attack us. The thing crawling on the ceiling, though? Yeah, I think it might. Us three hide behind a box, and hope that we aren't seen. The thing up there doesn't seem to notice, so we cautiously make our way to another box nearby.

After it seems safe enough, we enter the next room through a hole in the wall. Now, we are under some beds, lined up in a row. We start crawling forward, but the thing arrives. Crawling on the ceiling, it goes directly above our bed and heads down a bit.

We all hold our breath, hoping that it didn't see us. It seems to be looking at something above the bed, not us. This is no time to be relieved, though. Once the humanoid creature, that I think is actually a doctor, looks away, we crawl forward.

Ahead of us if yet another gate blocking our path. Luckily, it doesn't seem to need a fuse. To it's side, way above us though, is a button. We have no way to hit it without an object to throw at it, however.

Six seems to realize this as well, and motions for Mono to grab some toys that are far back in the room...near the Doctor. He shakes his head, really not wanting to go. Six keeps prodding him, so he finally caves in. Dejectedly, he makes his way to some toys in the back of the room. He heads under some more beds, as to not walk out in the open.

Six grabs my hand and drags me near the gate. We both wait there for Mono. I don't know why I couldn't help him, but Six seems really insistent on Mono being away from us. I wonder why that is? After a long period of time, Mono finally returns with a toy block in his hands. After looking back once more to make sure the Doctor didn't notice, he backs up a bit and throws the toy at the button.

The gate opened, and made a very loud noise as it did so. The Doctor heard it and started crawling towards us quickly. We all panicked, and Six took my hand and started running. We all dove under a table nearby, and hoped for the Doctor to leave.


We continued our journey through the hospital. The whole time was basically us hiding and the Doctor trying to find us. Back to where we are now, Mono left for a moment to take out the life support of a mannequin. The doctor rushed to the room he was in and tried to get everything back on track. Mono took this chance and rushed back to us.

Now reunited, I headed over to a fuse we saw earlier and picked it up. We all silently rushed back out of the room, worried the Doctor will see us. Luckily, he didn't, and we reached a place where we could insert a fuse. Since I had it, I put it inside. The gate beside us, which was previously locked, opened. The noise alerted the doctor, similar to the gate some time earlier. We heard the Doctor crawl on the ceiling frantically towards us, and we quickly started running.

We kept going forward, the doctor on our trail. There were a lot of beds in the way, and knocked over shelves. We must not trip, or the Doctor will have our heads. The Doctor seems to be catching up really quick, so I'm unsure whether we will actually survive them. Eventually, after a long time of running, we see a familiar thing in front of us.

An incinerator. Seeing nowhere to run to, we stop reluctantly. Mono finally catches up and jumps into the incinerator! Why? What? Why did he...? The Doctor follows him inside, and tries to grab him. Mono somehow jumps down into a lower level of the furnace. I head over to the incinerator, and try to pull at a gate. Mono is there, inside. After some struggle, the gate opens and Mono escapes.

Six walks over towards the incinerator and shuts the door behind the Doctor, who was still inside. After shutting the door, she then goes over to a lever nearby and pulls on it. Inside the incinerator, I can hear the Doctor's screams of pain as the fire burns him alive. I close my ears quickly, not wanting to hear the screaming. After a moment, it goes quiet once more.

Is...is the Doctor dead?

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