And Stay Dead!

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After I took the fuse back out, me and Mono followed Six back out of the room. We kept walking, and reached another elevator. This one, however, requires two fuses to activate it. "I'll go get the one over here!" Mono says, grabbing the fuse we put there previously. He pulls the fuse out of the socket, and he goes back to me and Six.

Me and Mono both put the fuses we were holding into the sockets. After waiting a moment, the elevator doors slowly opened. We took this as our cue to enter. I wonder where we're headed now? Hopefully nowhere scary...oh, who am I kidding. Of course it will be somewhere scary.

The doors closed as we stood inside. Eventually, the elevator began it's descent. The elevator felt quite unstable. It shook a lot as it descended further below. Luckily, we had no tragic elevator accident, and the doors opened once more.

What greeted us on the other side was another long, dark hallway. Hopefully no hands come out of the walls this time. Mono took out his flashlight and illuminated the dark hallway ahead of us. Like everywhere else, there were detached mannequin limbs scattered about the place. We pay them no mind and head forward. I will say, though, that Six does seem a bit...protective of me? It's probably nothing...hopefully.

We keep walking forward, and eventually we take a left. Mono examines another gate in front of us with his flashlight. There was a hole inside of it, but this time we all could enter as there was a rope hanging down. Mono climbed up first, and we followed shortly after.

Now in the next room, there seemed to be nothing of interest. There were dressers and such here and there, but we paid them no mind. As we continued walking, however, we heard something crawling behind us. Something...I'm all too familiar with.

Looking behind me, fearfully, there was another dismembered hand. It seems completely fine, so I assume that it's not the same one I smashed before. It crawls forward, charging at us. I panicked, not knowing what to do, and Six stands in front of me, protectively. Mono picked up a hammer nearby and decided to fight back.

I couldn't see much because of Six standing in front of me. I didn't wish to see, anyway, as I've had enough of those hands for one day.


I hear something, probably the hand, crunch. I think Mono hit it with the hammer.


Another smash. He seems to be doing good, I hope. Six still is standing in front of me, so I still can't see the fight.


After that, I don't hear any other noise...well, besides Mono's panting. He's probably out of breath. I wish I could have helped...but I froze up. Six, deeming it safe, finally lets me go. I see...two hands? Oh, I really should have helped him...

Six walks over to a door nearby. The door is broken on the bottom, with some planks overtop to lazily fix the damage. Before I attempt to pry the planks off, I walk over to Mono. He still seems rather shaken up. "You okay?" I ask him. He nods in response, and puts the hammer down. "Y-yeah...I am. Jeez, I didn't know there would be two hands!" He exclaims, still trying to process what just happened.

"You killed them both, though! You did a good job, Mono. If anything, it's my fault for not helping you..." He shakes his head. "No, it's not your fault. Six was stopping you from doing...anything." This earned a glare from Six. "Are you two going to help me, or what?" She says, impatiently.

We both take this as a sign to help. All three of us try to take the plank off, and it came off pretty quickly. Now, the broken part of the door is now open for us to walk through. And we do just that.

We all keep walking, the only sound being the echo of our footsteps. Eventually, we reach an odd looking room with shelves and storage boxes everywhere. We duck under one shelf, but we all halt in our tracks. We hear a noise. This time, the noise seems to be coming from...above us?

We decide to look up, and we saw something we never wanted to see.

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