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Everything went dark. Did I pass out? All around me is total darkness. No light, no sound...just...nothing.


Huh? What was that?


What is...? Who's...?

"Wake up!"

I feel myself being shook awake by Mono. So it seemed that I did pass out. I begrudgingly sit back up. At least there's no pain, that's a plus. "Okay, good, you're awake. I thought you..." He stops himself. "N-nevermind, I'm glad you're okay."

I stand back up on my unbalanced feet. It doesn't seem like I was passed out for long. I start looking around the room we're in. Next to my feet is the flashlight Mono had. However, it seems that the damage done to it has caused it to break. Well, there goes our light source...

I hear movement behind me, so I quickly turn my head around. Underneath a couch that had fallen from above, Six lay there, struggling to get out of it. I look over to Mono, who seems to have not noticed Six yet. Deciding to be helpful for once, I try to free Six.

As I approach her, she puts both of her arms out towards me, signaling me to help her. I grab her hands and start pulling back. After a moment of struggle, me and Six both go tumbling backwards.

I slowly sit back up, blinking a few times. Beside me, Six slowly sits back up as well. After a moment, she then looks at me. Confused, I look at her back. She seems to be staring into my very soul. Is it just me, or is her face kind of red?

It's probably nothing. I stand back up eventually, and she does too shortly after. I start heading back to Mono, who is trying to reach the doorknob on a door nearby. Six looks at me for a second, then heads under the doorknob. She does her typical boosting of the Mono, and the door now is open.

On the other side is a hallway, and a room in front of us. The room seems to be a dead end, so we head down the hallway. To our left, there was a room...containing a TV. Once we were all in there, the TV started making a high pitched sound, causing all of us to close our ears once again.

Mono walks over to the TV, as done before, and puts his hand on it. The sound instantly stops. I can't tell what he's doing, but the air feels a bit different. After some time passes, Mono then gets sucked inside of the TV.

Me and Six hurry and try to get him out. After some time of struggle, he comes flying back out, knocking us back a bit in the process. We all just sit there for a moment, confused. But that confusion...turns into outright fear.

In the TV, we see a pair of hands touching the it's trying to get out. Six gets up and motions for Mono to leave. He just sits there, staring at the TV with fear. Six motions for Mono to get up again, but decides to stop as he isn't responding.

The surrounding area looks warped, and the hands are almost out of the TV by this point. Six takes my hand and rushes out of the room with me. We keep running until we take a turn into the room we saw earlier.

We need to hide, now. Six rushes over to a table and hides us beside it. I hope this hiding spot works. In the other room, the noise stopped...but it got replaced with loud footsteps. As the footsteps get closer, the world seems to be in slow motion.

Eventually, Mono runs into the room. He dashes under a bed nearby. I see him looking intensely at the door, fear in his eyes. I don't dare look at it, and Six puts her arm in front of me, protectively.

The footsteps approach the room we're in. Every movement we make is in slow motion by this point. I look to the door. There, stands a tall man donning a fedora. He looks around the room, before looking at me and Six.

He smiles at me, if you can even call that a smile, then puts his one of his arms out. Everything seems to shake, everything seems to warp. Beside me, Six seems to be getting sucked into the mans grasp.

Against her will, she flies into his grip. The man seems satisfied enough. With one last look at me, he and Six both disappear into thin air. No trace is left behind of their existence. Well, there is one thing left behind...

In the middle of the room, laying on the floor, was a shadow. It seemed to be glitching. Looking at it more closely, it seemed to resemble Six. It looks up and glances at Mono, who was covering his ears in fear. It then looks at me. It stares for a long moment, before it, too, disappears into thin air.

Now it's just me and Mono...

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now