An Apology

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We keep walking, and the weird sound keeps getting closer. I'm both compelled by curiosity to see what on earth the noise is...but I also probably really don't want to know. As we finally find out what the noise was, it seems the latter was true. We see Six sitting down breaking what seems to be a mannequins fingers. It's rather unsettling. Mono motions for me to follow him, and we both try to silently walk away from Six. However...she, unfortunately, heard us.

She stands up, and says something neither me nor Mono ever expected to hear from her. "I'm sorry." She says, awkwardly. "I...shouldn't have done that." I look to Mono, and he seems just as baffled as I am. After thinking for a long moment, Mono finally speaks. "Fine. I'll forgive you." I was about to speak, but he continues. "Only if you promise not to try to kill me or Y/N again."

Six eventually nods in agreement. This all is rather confusing to me. What's with her sudden change in heart? "Well...I guess let's go." Mono says, still rather uncomfortable around Six. We all awkwardly leave the room and one of the doors, now in front of us, has a spot that a fuse could fit inside. Since Mono has a fuse, he naturally decides to insert it into the fuse shaped hole. After a moment, the door opens.

Heading inside, we were in a big area, but most of it was cut off by a gate. There seemed to be no way to enter the other side of the room...but there did seem to be one potential entrance. There was a hole near the top of the gate. We couldn't reach it...but with a boost, we could. The problem, however, was that one of us would be left behind with Six.

We may be on..."good terms" with Six, but we still don't fully trust her after her little stunt. Mono decided to take one for the team, and boost me up to the hole. Now on the other side, I look back through the gate and Mono gives me a thumbs up. He takes out his flashlight and hands it to me. "It might get dark, so I want you to have this for now." I take the flashlight with an anxious 'thank you' and head further away from them two. I hope Six doesn't do anything...

On the wall to my right, there was a lever. I don't know what it does...but it seems rather ominous. In front of me, there was a mannequin blocking my only exit of this room. I could try to squeeze past it...but I doubt there's enough room.

I guess I'll just see what this lever does. I head over to it and jump up to grab it. Thanks to my weight, and gravity, the lever gets pulled down. I decide to let go, and see what on earth it did. Nothing seemed to happen?

However, pulling me out of my thoughts, the lights suddenly went out. I couldn't see much of anything...just vague silhouettes. Darkness surrounds each area I look at. Surprisingly, out of the corner of my eye, I see movement.

Then the lights turn back on, and I look around in a panic. I could have sworn something moved. Maybe I'm just imagining things...But then the lights turned out again. Jeez, this light is being really overdramatic. Looking around some more, I finally see something moving again. It wasn't my imagination...though maybe it was for the best that it was. The mannequin jerks forward in a inhuman way, then starts rapidly heading towards me.

I didn't know what overcame me, but I figured that the lever did something to it. I was too panicked to think straight, so I shined the flashlight I had into it's face. Surprisingly, it's movements halted almost immediately. Oh, so that's how this works...

The mannequin was now a few steps away from the exit, so I could now exit. I didn't want to take any chances, so as I walked towards the exit, I kept the flashlight on the mannequins face. I didn't trust it one bit. Jeez, I trust Six more than these things. I squeeze through the gate bars and I see a new area in front of me.

Mannequins are everywhere. I shine my light on each of them...though they seem to be lifeless. Some are sitting on chairs, some are standing awkwardly. Though none of them seem to be attacking me, I still shined the flashlight on them. It seems to be their weakness, so I will exploit that, 100%.

I really don't feel safe here...

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