Vent Terrors

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None of us knew what to do, until Mono pointed towards a lever on the lower floor next to the teacher. I nod, and he jumps down on the ground. I start to jump down as well, until I feel my shirt being tugged back, stopping my movement.

Turns out, Six pulled me back to the shelf. She mumbled out "Too dangerous." When I gave her a confused look. I don't want Mono to do all of that work by himself, but Six won't let me follow him. Internally sighing, I wait with Six for Mono to pull the lever down there.

Mono made it to the lever and started pulling it down. That, in turn, made the ceiling platform slowly come down towards me and Six on the shelf. When it stopped moving, Six jumped on it and motioned for me to do the same. Stepping back a bit for a head start, I jump onto the platform as well.

Now, me and Six start waiting for Mono to rejoin us up here. Currently, he's trying to time his movements for when the teacher stops playing piano. He drags a stool over and jumps on it. Then from there, back onto the shelf. Now that we're all on the platform, Mono leads us towards another vent with a lid over it. Me and him pull it open...which unfortunately caught the attention of the teacher.

"Go, go!" Mono quickly exclaims as we head into the vent. I go in first and lead the way. Now, the Teacher's head had never followed me into the vents before, so I'm sure we're safe here...right?

No, as we were crawling through the vent, the Teacher's head followed us through, breaking the vent a bit in the process. Now let me tell you, seeing the Teacher's head that close is terrifying. We quicken our pace, as the Teacher's head is fast.

Eventually, we reach a point where we need to jump across a large gap. I jump first and make it to the other side. I look back and see Six jumping over here as well. She almost made it, until she started falling. I quickly grab her hand and pull her back up. She looks at me for a moment, before grabbing my hand and pulling me forward. I was going to wait for Mono, but I don't really have a choice as her grip on my hand was strong.

Eventually, we end up sliding down a slope hanging from a wall. Sliding down, we fall into a dumpster. Above us, Mono falls down here as well. Thank god, he actually survived that jump. Also above us, the Teacher's head came out out of the vent, wondering where her prey vanished off to. Giving up, she retracts her head back into the vent above us. Jeez, just how long can her neck stretch?

Six gets out of the dumpster, and me and Mono follow shortly after. We all take a moment to catch our breath. "I...I didn't know she could fit through vents!" Mono says, still processing the situation. Six was looking forward, and I follow her gaze.

Apparently there is another plank coming up. However, this time it's much longer than other ones. There also a huge gap underneath it, so we really don't want to fall. After a moment, it starts raining. For some reason, it's also really cold outside. Mono seems fine though. I guess his jacket and paper bag are enough to keep him at least somewhat warm.

Mono walks ahead of us, and we follow him. We reach the fabled plank of death, and Mono hesitates. "We can do this, guys. We came all this way, we're not letting a plank stop us!" He exclaims, even though he said all of that mostly to himself to calm his nerves.

He starts walking across the plank, arms out to balance himself. Six motions for me to go next. "If you fall, I'll catch you." She says to me. Oh, so that's why she's trying to go last. How sweet!

I push aside my fear of heights and walk across the plank. One foot after the other. It's going to be fine. I'm not going to fall. After some terrifying moments, we made it to the other side.

Now, we must continue forward!

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