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Mono hesitantly shines his flashlight on the figure ahead of us, revealing that it's another one of those disfigured people. Mono didn't want to take any chances, so he turned the flashlight back off to hide ourselves. 

The figure seemed to be near a door, banging on it perhaps? If that thing wants inside that door, I probably don't want to know what's behind it. Me, Mono, and Six all sneak behind the thing and reach a hallway to our left. Down said hallway was yet another disfigured adult person, but this time they seemed to be staring intensely at a TV.

The TV in front of it was only displaying static, so I have no idea what's so intriguing about it. We take a right, and go through the door there. As we enter, the sound of rushing water gets louder. Not only that, but also sounds of...music? 

Taking the time to actually look around, it seems that we are in a bathroom of sorts. Beside us, is a bathtub with the curtains draped over it. Inside of it, was presumably another disproportionate figure. While the shower inside was running, it was by some mysterious miracle, watching TV.

I don't know how it's not getting electrocuted, but I decide to look back away from the viewer watching TV. It's not really my problem if it gets zapped in there. Us three go through an open vent that was near the toilet, and on the other side seemed to look like a rundown building...but yet it was functioning fine.

The wall in front of us had a massive hole in the middle of it, letting us walk through with ease. We kept walking until we reached a point where none of us knew how to progress. Now below us, was a elevator sitting there. Unused for ages, probably. One wrong step, and we will be falling to our deaths. Sadly...it's a normal occurrence at this point to be in life threatening situations.

"Hey, what do we do?" Mono asks, confused as ever. "We probably should get to the elevator." I respond to him, unsure of myself. After thinking for a moment, Six then jumps onto the elevator. "What are you doing?" I ask her. As always, she doesn't respond. 

Now on the elevator, she jumps down to an unstable piece of ground below her. After regaining her balance, she then turns back around. The elevator is now directly in front of her. With confidence, she then jumps onto the elevator, and it held her new weight, surprisingly.

Me and Mono are still looking down, knowing that we should probably follow her down there. Mono decides to go first and jumps on top of the elevator. I take an uncertain step back and follow him there as well. By the time I make it on the elevator top, he is already jumping inside the elevator.

Eventually, I make in inside the elevator as well. "This elevator feels unstable." Mono says worriedly. He then looks at a lever inside of the elevator. "Does that bring us up?" Six looks at the lever as well. "What do you think." 

Ignoring Six's remark, he jumps up and pulls the lever down. After a moment, the elevator starts slowly rising. Looking around, Six spots a set of planks attached to the wall. They lead up into a hole in the wall, so an idea formed in her head. She looks at me for a second, then jumps off of the elevator. "Six! What are you-" I yell out, panicked. Mono stares at her form descending with confusion. 

It seems that Six had a goal, as she landed in front of the planks. She slowly stood back up and walked over to the planks. I couldn't see what she did next as the elevator hit it's destination. In front of us, though, was a locked gate. "Did Six just leave us?" Mono whispers to himself.

I shake my head no, although I'm not too sure myself. She's too unpredictable to know what she's planning, sometimes. We waited for a bit, unsure if we should go back down. Luckily, we heard footsteps approaching from our left. 

She actually came back for us? Who would have thought?

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now