Glitchy Help

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As I jump out the window I start sliding down from the roof outside. I keep sliding down until I see a drop ahead. Luckily, there is a ledge up ahead I could use to stop myself from dying. As I start falling, I reach my hand out to the ledge...and miss.

I keep falling. After what feels like forever, even though it's only been like a second, Mono's hand grabs mine. I look up at him, and he starts pulling me up. After finally being on flat ground, I take a moment to catch my breath. Great. The thing that I didn't want to happen, happened. That's just life, isn't it? I thank Mono and slowly stand back up to my feet and start looking around the place.

"Wait is this...?" Mono nods his head. "A train." That just leaves me with more questions than answers. "Why is the train in the air? Is it flying? Or is it falling and we just don't realize it? Are we about to die? Why is-" I hear footsteps behind me, so I stop mid-rant. Mono steps back a bit, fear in his eyes...probably. His bag isn't helping him show emotions. I have a feeling who it is. 

Mono motions for me to follow him, and he starts running down the train, away from the Thin man.  Not taking any chances, I start running as well. The train seems never ending, and everything is going in slow motion. Every motion I do is so tedious thanks to it. The footsteps keep getting closer, but I don't look back. 

We keep running, and we eventually reach a dead end. The door that we should go through is closed. Mono notices a latch hanging from the ceiling and jumps up to grab it. "Go!" He practically yells for me to go through the door. I run to the other side and see lever on another train. I jump over to it and wait for Mono to come as well. 

Mono swings on the latch, back and forth, and uses the momentum from the swing to jump over to where I am. As soon as he makes it to the train we are on, I pull the lever in front of me as far as I can. The train shakes, and starts slowly going backwards. I look up and see the Thin man standing on the previous train, looking at us. He keeps getting farther and farther away. The train we're on keeps going back faster and faster. The wind on my face keeps getting harsher, and the surroundings become a blur of speed. I close my eyes tightly, bracing for impact.


Everything hurt. I slowly open my eyes to find myself laying on the ground. The cold metal of train tracks surrounding my body. The train must have hit a wall. My body hurts everywhere, but I try to force myself to stand. With shaky legs, I rise up. I quickly grab my side, as the pain is the worst there. I look back up. Mono's here as well. I see him standing up in as much pain as I am.

He looks at me then slowly walks forward along the train tracks. I take this as a sign to follow and limp forward. Why does everything have to hurt so much? As I keep limping forward, I almost fall forward. Luckily, something catches me in their arms. Wait...what? As the figure carefully places me back on my feet, I finally get a good look at them. Six? What...?

No. This isn't Six. This...thing looks darker. Glitchy, even. It doesn't even seem to have a face. I remember seeing this shadow version of Six back when the Thin man first took Six. I thought I was hallucinating back then! After I get back on my feet, Shadow Six disappears again, as if they were never there. Why does everything just disappear into thin air?

I look ahead to see Mono waiting for me. He doesn't seem to have noticed Shadow Six. I decide not to bring it up to him and walk forward. Luckily, by this point the pain has subsided, so I walk forward relatively normally. Mono still seems to have a limp, so I put my hand on his shoulder for support.

Eventually, we reach the end of the train tracks. I look to the right and see Shadow Six again. They seem to be looking up at a ladder nearby. I blink, and they're gone again. I can never tell if I'm hallucinating that or not...

I point to the ladder, and Mono nods in understanding. Does he see Shadow Six or not? If he does, then he's pretty good at just ignoring them. If not...

I push those thoughts to the back of my mind, and climb the ladder in front of me.

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