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Everything felt like it was in a haze. It felt like I was dreaming. When we entered the door, everything The room we're in now has multiple toys around, floating in midair. A bit unsettling if I must admit. Mono keeps going forward, determined to save Six. Trying to save her based off of a feeling is just...well, it's not my place to judge I suppose. 

I follow after Mono into another door. After the bright pink light fades from my vision, long stairs await my vision. Below them is a long pit. I don't want to fall off, that's for sure. The stairs look unstable so I better be careful. Even though Mono walks up the stairs with no hesitation, I just haven't had that character arc yet so I inch my way up the stairs instead.

After what feels like forever, I make it to the end of the stairs and walk into a door at the top. My body felt like static all of a sudden, and my vision blurred. I collapse onto the ground, trying to stand back up...but to no avail. What's happening? Mono rushes over to me and asks if I'm okay, but I can't respond before darkness takes me. 

That static feeling leaves and my body just feels numb. Finally, after what felt like forever, my eyes opened. I slowly stand back up, and as I do so, the room starts to shake wildly. I turn my head and look behind me. 

There, I see Six facing away from me. She's knelt down, holding something over a ledge. I try to say something to her, but my voice gets caught in my throat. I close my eyes and take deep breaths, trying to focus. But then my eyes shoot back open, against my body's will.

 . . . W a t c h . . .

I hear a voice. I try to look for the source, but it seems to be coming from all around me. Watch? Does it mean to watch Six? The ground I'm on starts shaking again, and I almost lose balance. I put my hand on the wall for support. After another deep breath, I look back to Six. There's nothing in her hand now. 

She stands there, unmoving. I attempt to reach my hand out to her, but I decide to retract it instead. Something feels off about her. My vision starts going dark again, despite the ground beneath my feet threating to crumble under my weight. 

Six slowly turns her head around, her hood still obscuring her face. What did she just drop? Why is she looking at me like that?

. . . T r u s t  M e . . .

What...? Where is that voice coming from? I don't think Six is speaking...

My vision fades, and I collapse onto the ground yet again. As my eyelids begin to close, I hear the voice once again. 

. . . W e ' l l  A l w a y s  P r o t e c t  Y o u . . .

I jolt up, looking around in a panic. "O-Oh! Sorry, I...I didn't know you were awake. Good Morning!" I look around frantically, then I finally spot Mono a bit in front of me. He's knelt down beside me with a concerned expression on his face. 

"Mono? What...What happened?" I ask him, finally calming down a bit. "I don't really know, you just fell." that was a dream? There's no way that it was just a dream, though. It seemed too...real. "It seemed like you were having a nightmare, or something. You were twitching, and mumbling something. I couldn't make out what, though..."

I stand back up, finally adjusted to my surroundings. I'm back in the room with the pink lights. Looking back, the stairs were still behind me from before. "Mono, I..." I try to find the right words for a moment. "Are you sure Six can be trusted?" He gives me a questioning look. Great, I have to elaborate.

"I-I mean, she did throw you in an incinerator. And, um, you made that whole speech of...avoiding her." I try to explain the feeling I have without bringing up my dream. "I...did say that. But I'm sure she's changed! She apologized, so now we'll all be friends again!" Mono, that's not how this works. I doubt an apology will make up for for her trying to kill you.

I decide to keep my mouth shut. "Hmm...okay, well..." Mono looks around and points towards a door nearby. "There is another door there and I hear music coming from behind it. Wanna check it out?" Before I can respond, he takes my hand and drags me through the open door. 

Despite all of this...that dream still plagues my mind. I wonder if its warning me of something...or someone.

Unlikely Obsession (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now