36. Who's The Protective One In the Relationship? The Hot Headed Latina

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Ep. 11 "Sisters Of Mercy" Ch. 4/5

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Joy had a scar that practically no one knew about, it was hard to spot since it was on her lower back and with her sweater affinity, it was odd to even see her arms, let alone her lower back.

She had actually gotten that scar early in the apocalypse, turns out she wasn't as careful as she thought she was (shocker) and ended up scraping her back on some scrap metal while they were trying to escape some Zs.

Luckily, she had had her tetanus shot and 10K's dad knew how to wrap a wound correctly so nothing major happened.

But the scar remained as a reminder of her apocalypse clumsiness.


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To say Joy's stomach was having a blast was an understatement, apparently at the Helen Camp (because Sisters of Mercy reminded Joy too much of a cult) they didn't only have a delicious fruity meal at the ready.

They also had multiple meals a day.


And like every time Joy was allowed to eat someone's food. She stuffed as much food as her little stomach could take.

And while everyone was looking away from her strawberry stuffed face, Joy stole a napkin and started sneaking some different fruits into the napkin to later take to 10K.

After all, with Helen's hatred towards men, she doubted Joy could just ask for some food to go and feed them all outside.

Maybe she'd need some more napkins.

"Whoever built this place must've
seen the apocalypse coming. It's perfect."

That's the thing, anything perfect in the apocalypse gave Joy the heebie jeebies as much as any abandoned place did.

Both were a bad sign in a zombie filled apocalypse.

"That was my husband. His philosophy was that we become absolutely self-sufficient and off the grid." That sounded a lot like 10K's dad.

Had Helen accidentally married 10K's dad?

Was she 10K's stepmother?

Well, that'd be awkward.

"Your husband?" Warren looked absolutely stumped.

Which to be fair, man hating Helen having a husband seemed quite odd. Joy honestly got more 'I have a wife' vibes from Helen, to be honest.

"He's gone. Like the others."

"All these women?"

"Well Zina and Emmeline were my sister wives," Joy choked on her food.

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