39. English Is Not Englishing

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Ep. 12 "Murphy's Law" Ch. 2/4

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Even in all her parents' atheism tendencies, before Joy had landed in public middle school her parents tried one last time in a private catholic school. After all they had been raised Catholics both of them, so maybe religion was what would prevent their daughter from rebelling.

But as you know by now, Joy hadn't made it past three pages in the bible.

You can do the math about the rest.

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The two groups, in a sudden epiphany of zombie free peace, chose to have a little midday meal sponsored by Brett, Janice, and Henry and their supplies.

And of course Joy intended to take every advantage she could of each little gram of food, especially when Henry brought out some sort of alcohol, Joy's taste palette suddenly began craving for.

But just her luck, he decided to start at the edge of the table, also known as where Murphy sat, also known as probably the most alcoholic guy in there.

Basically, Joy was never getting any alcohol in her system. Shame.

"Yeah, and let's not be stingy with that," True to Joy's thoughts, Murphy grabbed onto the bottle before Henry pulled away and poured himself alcohol to the brim of the glass. Classic Murphy. "There you go."

Henry grumbled under his breath but said nothing. At least they learned quick not to argue with Murphy.

But luckily for Joy's ever-growing alcoholism, Murphy didn't finish the bottle and Henry had more than enough for the rest of the ones seated at the table, which was just Cassandra, Warren, 10K, and herself. But still, at least Joy got to try a sip or two.

"You two got any ID?"

"Would you believe me if I said it got lost in the mail?" Henry chuckled before serving 10K and Joy half a glass each, one way more excited than the other two.

"Why not."

"Oh yeah, this is not that White Lightning crap. Have a taste, 10 cent and Happy." Joy shrugged and decided to listen to Murphy for once. What could go wrong with that?

The answer; nothing at all. The liquor was actually fairly good, not that she'd have any idea how good a liquor should be, but at least she liked the first taste so that was a plus.

"Miss Warren..."

"Roberta." Warren corrected Brett.

"Roberta, would you like to propose a toast?"

"Sure," Warren raised her glass, and they all followed suit. "To absent friends."

"To absent friends."

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