70.- Fishing And Guns Don't Align (Sorry 10K)

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Ep. 7 "Down The Mississippi" Ch. 1/8

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There were five stages of grief according to Joy's notes in her psych class in high school that she was forced to take.






Not necessarily in that order.

Well, if you asked Joy to check herself after witnessing Cassandra's death, she'd say she started out in depression. It was so deep she could barely crawl out of it, a void so gone that she had to drag both herself and her boyfriend out of all on her own, and it wasn't fun at all.

Now, Joy was at anger, insatiable anger that had forced Warren to confiscate her gun so she wouldn't shoot Murphy.

Anger that she seemed to share with 10K, as they were each other's wind to keep blowing out the fuse to the ticking bomb inside them.

Murphy should start praying that he wasn't anywhere near the two of them for whenever the bombs finally went boom.

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Don't ask about Cassandra's death, don't speak about Cassandra's death, don't think about Cassandra's death. That's how 10K and Joy had been managing.

It had taken them a couple of days before the two were back on speaking terms, and by a couple of days, Joy meant a couple of nights where she let her tears run free in complete silence and ended up curling into 10K only to discover he too had been crying in complete silence.

But at least Joy's little mental coffin tended to be kept shut, so Joy was no longer miserable about Cassandra's death, and she was back to spending their entire walk hand in hand with 10K.

A certain 10K who had made the wise decision of leaving behind his vest and blood stained t-shirt behind in favour of a sleeveless black hoodie he suited perfectly—in Joy's opinion.

Though Joy also left behind her flannel so she was yet again stuck with a tank top, so she supposed she believed 10K suited that particular style because it warmed her up more than whenever he was wearing a long sleeve shirt.

Skin to skin contact being good for warmth and what not.

"Well, the Mississippi sure ain't as mighty as it used to be." Doc suddenly spoke as they came up right at the border of the Mississippi River to spot a boat filled with wandering growling Zs.

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