42. Happy Birthday Doctor Kur...tain?

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Ep. 13 "Doctor Of The Dead" Ch. 1/4

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Joy had thought being sick was the hardest thing about any kind of sickness, but seeing someone you cared about slowly descend into a sickness that you didn't know if it had a cure or if you'd lose the person.

That had to be the hardest she'd ever experienced.

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The group had made a quick pit stop in the middle of a forest surrounded road since Cassandra wasn't feeling too well, and Warren wanted to contact Citizen Z anyway so there were no complaints there.

Ever since the Mesa Pharmaceuticals fiasco, Cassandra was getting worse by the second, she could no longer stand on her leg even for a millisecond without being in extreme pain. Her fever had also gone high enough for Joy, who had zero medical expertise to know that she had a fever. Not to mention all the dry heaving and puking every couple of hours.

Joy didn't even want to think about what could happen if Cassandra kept progressing like she had been doing, but the inevitable was coming near.

And she wasn't looking forward to it.

That's how Joy and 10K ended up by Cassandra's side, both rubbing her back as Cassandra heaved out her breakfast out onto the side of the road.

"Feel better now?" Cassandra nodded, wiping at her mouth with the edge of her sweater's sleeve.

Well, technically it was one of Joy's sweaters that she had graciously lent to Cassandra because she said she was cold.

"Yeah, a little bit." Joy gently rubbed at Cassandra's tense shoulders.

At that point, even Cassandra was aware of her impending future. But just like 10K and Joy, she was choosing to ignore it.

"Let's go you back to the van, alright, Cassie?" Cassandra nodded, taking slow deep breaths to calm her agitated stomach.

10K handed Joy his rifle and carefully began to pick Cassandra up, but as soon as he did, Cassandra let out a pained grunt and shook her head rapidly.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

"Try to relax." Cassandra took more deep breaths while squeezing Joy's hand to try to hold in her pained screams.

"You got this, Cassie."

She didn't believe that, but for both of the teen's sake, she held her tongue and let 10K carry her all the way back into the van, even if it felt like someone was sawing off her leg off while being conscious.

Was that what Karma felt like?

As soon as the three were settled in the back of the van, Warren urged the van forward.

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