63.- Who exorcised the teenager?

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Ep. 5 "Zombaby!" Ch. 5/5

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After Joy's little... honestly, she didn't know what to call it. She didn't really remember much after hiding inside her head when 10K was given his second dose of cipro in the barn. She didn't even remember Serena's baby being born, or her death.

All Joy knew was that she got lost in her head, and when she came back to, she was covered in blood from head to toe, and they were all leaving with Serena's baby, and no Serena.

As Warren drove past the countryside, Addy had come to as well and even with the lower half of her face covered in boils like 10K's, she seemed pretty healthy. She was even nice enough to lend Joy some t-shirt to clean herself off.

Sadly, Joy had been forced to get rid of her sweater, there was no saving it, it was so soaked in blood that even the tank top she had been wearing underneath had been covered in blood, but she couldn't exactly get rid of that one.

And as far as her pants and boots went, well all Joy could do was change socks and leave both the boots and her jeans to sundry, no one had a pair of pants close enough to her size now that Cassandra was gone, and no one wanted to go around carrying a spare pair of shoes.

So, all Joy could do was suck it up and enjoy her fairly clean new socks and her lower half of her body being tucked into a blanket to cover herself from the waist down while her jeans dried out.

After a while of driving, Murphy requested a break for grieving? Or bonding with his baby? Something along those lines, Joy was more focused on 10K's still sleeping form anyway.

It felt like that one time Murphy had decided to shave his entire head off in the first few days of the group being formed, they were all in the back of the truck watching Murphy as if he were a zoo exhibit.

With the only exception that Vasquez was definitely less compassionate and hopeful than Garnett was.

"It's a lot of miles to cover before dark. We should get going." Vasquez spoke while they all eyed Murphy, cooing at the baby.

Joy loved babies, and she had promised to teach that baby some swear words later on, but even she didn't feel like interrupting the father-daughter bonding moment happening at the top of the hill.

Sue her, she didn't want the little Serena Jr to suffer the same heartless father syndrome Joy had had to suffer through.

But again, it was the apocalypse, there weren't many father-daughter bonding moments that could go on.

"I'll go get Murphy." Warren confirmed before walking off to join Murphy and the baby. If anyone was capable of achieving Murphy to move his ass, it'd be her.

Suddenly, Joy felt 10K stir next to her, eyes clenching shut, like he was trying to wake up but something inside him didn't let him.

Joy began to shake his shoulder gently, giving him little painless slaps to his boil covered cheek to see if that'd help. It usually worked in the movies, so Joy saw no harm in trying it.

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