27. Boyfriend? Nah, More Like Designated Piggy-Back Giver

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Ep. 10 "Going Nuclear" Ch. 1/6

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At first, Joy thought zombies would be like humans and each have some different ability that made them unique.

Like fast zombies, or strong zombies, maybe even zombies that were smarter than the average zombie, or a zombie that could eat flesh significantly faster, maybe a zombie that could tap dance.

But zombies were just too generic, sure they were faster when recently turned, and they weren't technically weak per se, but zombies were all pretty much the same.

They all wanted the same thing, they all died the same way, they all ended up falling in the same ditch.

Frankly, zombies began to bore Joy.

Couldn't they just switch it up a little tiny bit?

...famous last words.

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After the little fiasco that was nearly dying inside a morgue (talk about irony), their trustworthy truck decided to finally give up on the group and forced them to walk.

Here, Joy thought her and the truck were on good terms with each other, but she no longer liked the truck. After all, why would she like a thing that forced her to trek for miles through the forest?

Not like she hadn't done that before and enjoyed it, but wasn't the apocalypse supposed to be different?

"Is this entire state uphill?" Murphy had also grown tired of walking around the forest, he just wanted a rest from the apocalypse in general.

Joy shrugged, grabbing a branch from the ground before snapping it into pieces. "Looks like."

"Where are we anyway?"

"According to this map, we're in the black hills of South Dakota." Oh yeah, Warren was designated guide for the walking.

And no offense to Warren, she was trying her best after all, but she wasn't doing too well.

Joy hummed as she threw the remaining pieces of branch away, dusting her palms off on her leggings. "Makes sense, should've known we were in South Dakota."

Cassandra gave her the 'I don't believe you' look. "Do you even know where South Dakota is?" Joy shrugged. "Next to North Dakota."

"Fair enough."

Joy threw a small branch at Cassandra, if talking made her get more tired, she would resort to other means to annoy people.

But Cassandra caught the branch and threw it out down at the ground, gaining a classic Joy pout.

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