13. Somewhere, Over The Z-nado

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Ep. 5 "Home Sweet Zombies" Ch. 2/2

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If Joy had any say in it, tornadoes weren't as fun as Dorothy made them seem.

The Wizard of Oz had been her favorite movie before she met 10K. She used to dress up as Dorothy for Halloween and run around with her stuffed dog named Toto. She even made a cardboard house that she used to spin around in, pretending a tornado had gotten her. Not only that, but she even annoyed the hell out of Gina by singing Somewhere over the Rainbow far too many times during the day.

Oh, if little Joy could only see big Joy now about to live her dreams.

Although her dreams didn't quite include zombies.

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Joy skipped along the roads, smashing her hatchet into every Z she came across, not even giving 10K a chance to shoot them.

With each street they turned on, the wind picked up even further, making hair fly all into her face and mouth. And Joy hadn't taken a decent shower in possibly a year, so her hair certainly wasn't good tasting.

And that was when she spotted something highly unusual.

"Hey, Jefferson?" 10K wiped at his eyes, trying to get the flying dust out of his eyes.


"Is it normal for Zs to fly?" 10K stopped rubbing at his eyes and looked up to where Joy was watching.

There were Zs flying, literally.

"Definitely not."

More Zs began to start flying closer and closer to them, the tornado visible behind them.

Joy gulped. Give her a horde of walking Zs any day. But flying Zs and a tornado were a big no-no in her book.


"We're not gonna make it back in time, we need to find shelter."

They both looked around, but they just had to stumble upon the only street where the windows were too high for either of them and there were no doors.

If Joy had terrible luck pre-apocalypse, it had just heightened during the past three years.

The only available shelter seemed to be an old car parked out in the middle of the street.

Joy yanked on 10K's sleeve and pointed at the car. "Run for the car!" 10K nodded and they both began running against the wind all the way to the car.

Just their luck, it was locked, but 10K wasn't about to give up there. He grabbed his rifle and smashed the back window in, glass covering all the back seats. Carefully, he stuck his hand in and unlocked the front door, yanking it open.

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