62.- Insane Is Her New Colour

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Ep. 5 "Zombaby!" Ch. 4/5

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10K still had yet to wake up, and if it weren't for the slightly shaky rise and fall of his chest, Joy would've thought the worst.

Her eyes hadn't moved from that one spot on the wall from across the room, all coughs and muttering in a language Joy didn't understand falling to deaf ears. Maybe that's what happened to Warren when she started muttering in Spanish, she simply shut Joy out.

Although Joy had an alternate reason for zoning out terribly until the only thing keeping her grounded was her fingers tightly wound around 10K's hair that she kept trying to push out of his forehead.

Her alternate reason was the fact that she felt like when she went to the beach once, trying to hold up a fistful of wet sand in her palms only for it to fall from between her fingers until there was none left, no matter how hard she tried to keep the sand in her hands.

In this case, 10K's life was the sand in Joy's hands, and she could feel it all slowly slipping away.

"Joy." The muttering of her name was so quiet and broken, Joy thought it had been 10K to speak, even if the voice was ever so slightly higher pitched than his own.

But it wasn't 10K, he was still fast asleep, or passed out, Joy didn't know, against her lap. It was Warren who had called for her, the leader's eyes brimmed with tears and everyone eyeing her and the gun hanging by her side wearily.

What had Joy missed while she was stuck in her pool of worry?

"C'mon help me. Vasquez will carry 10K." Warren motioned towards the small table littered with white pill containers, the same container that no doubt carried the medicine that could save 10K.

Joy didn't know what Warren had done or said for the Mennonites to relinquish all their cipro, but frankly, Joy didn't care. All she needed to know was that 10K would most likely be receiving that medicine to help him, and Joy would do anything to save him.

She ignored the silent praying that had begun around her while who seemed to be their leader spoke something aloud in favour of gently pushing 10K to the side, so her legs were freed and Vasquez could carry him, before Joy rushed to Warren's side to help carry the bottles.

Joy stuffed both her pockets and the pockets of 10K's vest to the brim with every last bottle she could find, she didn't even bother checking the label, any medicine was good in the apocalypse in her opinion.

Once there wasn't a single bottle left, Joy ran out to where Vasquez was waiting for both her and Warren, 10K's unconscious body draped over his shoulder so they could all leave wherever Warren needed or wanted to go towards.

Joy seriously hoped it wasn't too late for the cipro to take effect in 10K's body. It had been so long since his last dose, and Joy had no clue about how such a medicine worked. Did it need to be on time every single time? Or could it be given at any given moment?

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