40. Being An Unpaid Nanny Isn't Glamorous

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Ep. 12 "Murphy's Law" Ch. 3/4

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Joy always thought her first experience being drugged would be something terribly tragic, like getting roofied at a bar by some creep and having to call her knight in black cargo pants to save her and take her home.

Or she'd get responsibly drugged at some college party like in the movies and would have the time of her life for a good amount of time.

She even came up with the possibility of getting drugged on her own, with 10K to spot her in case anything happened.

But her first experience just had to be getting drugged, so Murphy could do what he does best, run from his problems.

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After Warren had done her magic of not only freeing them from their handcuffs but also somehow surviving Joy's array of golf themed puns, they all set off together to find Murphy.

Only that Murphy was gone from the building, so Warren chose to go check the van and the surroundings to see if he had decided to keep golfing instead.

But Joy had the itching feeling that Murphy was long gone.

"What happened to us?" 10K asked from his spot at the back with a slight rasp to his voice that made Joy weak at the knees.

The rasp did tend to happen every time he woke up, but that didn't make it any less attractive to Joy.

"I believe we got roofied. Drugged with rohypnol."

"You can recognize the drug?" Doc shrugged as if it were no big deal to just recognize a drug out of the thousands in existence to knock them all out.

"If you weren't a pharmacist pre-Z you really wasted some talent there, Doc."

"Where's Murphy?"

Admittedly, Warren was never a fan of the banter that happened between Doc and Joy pretty much every single day, but in those moments she was even less keen towards the two with how their main part of the mission had suddenly vanished into thin air.

Warren was worried beyond words.

"The others are gone too."

"I don't think you're helping, Ten."

"You don't think... Murphy wouldn't do that. Drug us to escape?" Joy shrugged.

"I would do it, and if I'd do it, Murphy definitely would."

As much as it pained her to admit, Joy and Murphy happened to be very similar in many ways. And if she could come up with the idea of drugging the group and running away like there was no tomorrow. Murphy was totally capable of doing it.

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