12. Sharknado, But The Sharks Are Humans, And The Humans Are Zs

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Ep. 5 "Home Sweet Zombies" Ch. 1/2

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Joy had always been a light sleeper, or a no-sleeper. She never made it past six hours of sleep, which thinking back was actually quite practical for the apocalypse.

Voices didn't tend to affect her as much, after all, she was used to hearing her parents' muffled voices passing through the walls or Gina's loud music as she cleaned the house.

But anything from floorboards creaking to someone adjusting her spot of rest, always woke Joy up with a start, and you bet you were getting hurt if you woke up poor Joy.

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Driving down the highway, the group finally decided to make a pit stop at Southern Illinois in some old family home.

But the rest wasn't the best part for Joy.

The best part was the dead family had a daughter at some point, a daughter who was coincidentally the same size as Joy who also held a love for fluffy sweaters that Joy didn't hesitate to 'borrow'.

However the part where Joy finally got to get some rest without waking up every five minutes because of some snarling Z or the bump of a truck was also not that bad.

Joy was living the best life in that house.

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10K admitted he may be a little too overprotective, but he had lost everyone except one person who he cared about, and he really didn't want to go through that pain a third time in his life.

So instead of guarding with Warren and Garnett, playing with Doc and Murphy, or simply chatting with Cassandra because he especially wasn't going to go and interrupt what Addy and Mack were up to.

10K chose to read some magazines, they were nothing like the ones that used to be in his house, those were just full of hunting gear and the latest in weaponry. The ones in the house were all about gossip and some teenage heart rob back in the day that was surely dead since then.

Finally, he grew bored and peaked over the magazine out at the rest, and that's when he noticed Joy curled up into a ball, shivering as she had kicked the blanket she had been using down.

It was a terrible habit of hers 10K had come to notice, even if she was freezing cold, she'd always kick the blanket off and just freeze further.

10K sighed and dropped the magazine onto the coffee table, carefully kneeling by Joy's side, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Gently he pulled the blanket back up, so it covered Joy all the way up to her shoulders, but in all his haze of helping, he forgot how sensitive Joy was to things around her while sleeping.

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