29. Amusement Parks Used To Be Fun. Now All The Fun You Get Is By Shooting.

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Ep. 10 "Going Nuclear" Ch. 3/6

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The only thing Joy knew about anything radioactive related was from what she'd learned from movies, and that one time 10K forced her to pay attention about Chernobyl.

She knew radiation was bad for any living organism, that it could cause not only death in extreme quantities but also certain mutations, both physical and genetic, which in most occasions meant the same thing.

And she knew that a radioactive spider bit Spider-Man and gave him superpowers.

She just hoped that her kids wouldn't end up with three arms or four legs just because she was forced to play hero at some place covered in radiation.

Or maybe she'd get superpowers, that'd be fun.

Unless they were lame, then she'd rather stick with her regular human abilities.

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"Okay, here's the plan. I need to get to the control room to see if I can figure out why the fuel rods aren't dropping down to the cooling pool to stop the reaction. I haven't been able to get in there 'cause of this gauntlet of zombies. That's where I need your help."

Wilbur was beginning to look worse and worsein fact, he was now limping severely as he walked. Joy could just tell he didn't have much time left as a living, breathing human.

Joy lent up to Doc's ear, after all the blaring alarm around them didn't help for having a normal conversation without screaming their lungs out. "Did you get any of that?" Doc nodded, leaning down, so Joy could hear him better.

After all, she was the shortest there.

"He's gonna do some fancy mumbo jumbo, and we get to kill some Zs for him." Joy grinned, taking out her hatchet from its holster.

"You had me at kill Zs."

Warren nodded. "Killin' zombies, that's what we do."

Joy grinned. "Yeah we do!" Joy held her hand up and 10K gave her a high-five.

The two got way too hyped to kill some Zs.

"Radiation levels are only slightly elevated outside the containment building. So, you should be safe for at least two minutes. Long enough to get me to the door before you have to retreat back here. Use whatever you have to keep the Zs from getting too close. They're very contaminated. One hug, and you'll be dead in a few hours."

Just as Wilbur finished his little 'be careful' speech (which Joy had mostly ignored) a Z came up to the chain link fence that was separating them from inside the compound.

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