1. Where are you nuggets? Why can't I find you?

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Ep. 1 "Puppies & Kittens" Ch. 1/1

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As she saw it, there were three problems with the zombie apocalypse:

1. Too much running. Which was quite ironic considering how she had spent each weekend pre-Z.

2. Too much uncertainty. After all, you never really know if behind creepy door number two you'd find a zombie or just another empty room.

3. (arguably the thing that pissed her off the most.) No goddam chicken nuggets.

•———— ————— —•—

"Joy, stop." Joy consciously decided to ignore her best friend in favor of still violently kicking the freezer portion of the pretty full (for apocalypse standards) refrigerator.

"Joy." She still did not listen, kicking the freezer with just enough force to dent the metal but not hurt herself in the process, not that she'd notice with all the angry adrenaline coursing through her veins anyway.

"Why," Kick. "Is there," Kick. "No," Kick. "Freaking." You guessed it, another kick. "Nuggets!"

Finally, he grew tired of her violence and wrapped her into a bear hug lifting her high above the ground, leaving her to try to kick and squirm her way out of his grasp, to no avail.

"Joy." Finally, the brunette stopped struggling and instead crossed her arms over her chest as best she could in her current situation, giving her best friend the best knockoff glare she could manage.

It didn't faze him at all, after knowing Joy for years, he knew how to differentiate whenever she was truly angry and when she was just annoyed.

"Can you let go of me now?" He raised his brows.

"Will you still keep kicking that fridge?"


"Then no."

Joy groaned, trying and failing to kick a zombie in the stomach that they had previously killed as soon as they entered the apartment.



Joy's frown grew deeper until it looked more like a child pouting, probably expecting to gain some sympathy points from him. But all Joy got was a very amused smirk.

"Help me clear the roof." He set Joy down and began to walk away, leaving her to get her favorite weapon ready while he did the same with his rifle.

He didn't need to look back to know that Joy's mood had certainly improved with having her trusty hatchet in her hands.

She loved that thing more than life itself.

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