038. switch

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"fuck- fuck." i mumbled, as blood starting staining the bandana even more, i tightened the knot around it, he groaned as i did so, "sorry."

"well, at least im not dead, right?" he let out a small smirk.

"come on, you need to rest."

"on that mattress? no fucking way piper, it'll hurt more."

"get up, hopper." i grabbed his shoulder that wasn't injured, and led him over to the mattress. he groaned as he sat down.

"will you sit with me?" he asked.

i looked down at the mattress, seeing robins blood on one side. i take a breath, and sit down next to vance, but away from the blood.

i face him, crossing my legs. he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. the same way he did when we were skipping class with robin. the same way he did when we were safe.

"piper?" he yelled a little, snapping me out of the trance i was in.

"hm?" i looked at him.

"you keep zoning out." he sat up a little, looking at me.

"oh, yeah. sorry."

"dont fucking say that."


"dont say sorry. its fucking stupid."

i open my mouth to say sorry, but then shut it.

we both stopped talking, it wasn't an awkward silence though, it was more comfortable. we didn't need to talk.

i turn to look at him, but see he's already looking at me. i expected him to look away, but he didnt. he kept looking.

we held eye contact for awhile, i didn't realise that i was leaning in until,

my lips pressed against his.

he joined the kiss quickly, his hands holding my waist. his lips tasted of cherry.

the moment was mesmerising. and as i expected,

he was perfect.

i pulled away first, opening my eyes as i looked into his perfect, blue eyes. he sent me a small smile.

"you don't know how long ive wanted to do that." he smiled.

"vance hopper? wanting to kiss me?" i said in disbelief.

"you always have to ruin the moment, dont you?" he playfully pushed me away.

i smiled, until i heard the metal door creak open. i turned and saw the grabber, with finney in front of him, a knife held against finn's neck.

"time to switch."


i ran over to finney, who was knocked out cold on the floor, but the grabber had already left the room and gone down to the basement. what on earth?

i looked at finney, then back at the closed door. i sighed and followed the grabber downstairs, to see what was happening.

but i wish i didn't.

the grabber walked down with a tray of food, which he soon threw onto the floor for some reason, that i would soon find out.

the grabber turned to the corner of the room where the... bathroom? was, i can hardly remember. small bits of my memory are going. he took a breath, and said, "im going to take my time with you, boy."

he stepped forward, "do you know how long thats going to fucking take to repair!"  my killer yelled, what is he yelling at? "i should snap your neck, right now."

i walked past my killer, and saw vance, right next to a busted wall, and piper stood behind him in shock. but, there was also something ive never seen before.


in vance hoppers eyes.

"do it. kill me. you'll have nothing to torture her with then, right?"

the grabber took a knife out of his belt, and started walking down the hallway that vance and piper was in, "oh, im not going to kill you yet."

"might as well get it over with."

the grabber got closer and closer to vance. then grabbed him by the neck, turning him to face my sister. "piper!"

vance looked over at my sister, "promise me you'll get out of here. no bull shit?"

"vance-" piper had tears in her eyes.

"promise me piper."

piper went quiet for a second, "i promise."

"dont close your eyes, piper, or ill gut him right here, understand?" i hated the way he said pipers name even more than i did when he said mine. it made me sick.

piper looked angry, but she was crying too. "what the fuck do you find fun in hurting kids?"

"mostly, the look on their faces after its done." the grabber smirked, "now, im going to ask you to pick a number. the number will determine if he lives, or dies."

what the fuck. lives or dies? what is that supposed to mean? play it smart piper.

i hear a crack, and realise that she's cracking her knuckles. the habit she taught me.

"one or two."


"pick two piper!" i exclaim

"ill pick for you if you want, piper." he said pipers name again, more sickly than before.

"dont do this-"

"one or two. times ticking."

"piper pick fucking two!" i yelled, as it was our lucky number.

the grabber stabbed vance in the shoulder, causing him to scream because of the sudden pain. vance fell to the floor as the knife was removed from his shoulder.

"fuck- i-" i look over at piper, then my killer. he was going back upstairs. once i looked at piper, she was tying my bandana on vances shoulder, to stop the bleeding.

"good choice." my killer made his way upstairs. i followed him.

he walked upstairs and into the bedroom, where finney was only just waking up because of the scream he heard. he jolted up as the grabber walked into the room, the knife he used to stab vance with in hand.

"FINNEY! NO!" i yelled as my killer grabbed finney and held the knife against his neck, escorting him out of the room.

he brought him down the basement stairs, and into the basement, where piper and vance were now sat on the bed, both smiling until they saw finney.

the fuck?

the grabber held the knife against his neck, "time to switch."

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓, v. hopper ☑️Where stories live. Discover now